We have not long to love

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The abattoir

Kara cooked in the kitchen, Hayley watching her wife with a small smile, despite her disappointment in both their children, she loved them to the moon and back.

"Ooh something smells great." Heinrik murmured walking into the kitchen, his eyes laying on the multiple breakfast foods. He reached for a beignet and took a bite out of iit, his eyes widening "Oh shit this is good!"

Hayley swat the back of sons head "Language mister."

Heinrik smiled sheepishly "Sorry moms." He glanced at his mum, who placed a plate of waffles in front of him, "Are those for me?" He asked his smile brightening , eyes almost sparkling at his mum homemade waffles.

Kara hummed "Call your sister, we're having breakfast on the terrace, just us four."

Heinrik blinked "Uh what about uncle kol and aunts Davina? Freya? Or uncle Elijah?"

Kara stiffened at the last name, she had told Elijah she would forgive him, yet every time she saw his face she was reminded how he would have stood by and let Greta do whatever she wished to Hayley "We haven't had a meal together for a while." She excused "I want it just us for now.. at least until we head back to mystic falls." Before turning around before she snapped the pan in her hand.

Hayley noticed the tension in her wife's shoulders, having no illusion that her wife was still obviously upset at her brother. She glanced at Heinrik who furrowed his brows, his mouth opened as if he was about to say something but Hayley shot him a look and he quickly shut it.

"Alright I'll get Hopey," he said running off,


Kara drops the pan , "I know what you're going to say, he was an amnesiac, he didn't remember you.."

Hayley makes her way over to her wife and wraps her arms loosely around a Kara's waist. "No, I won't. If you want to be angry, you have every reason to. It doesn't matter whether he was an amnesiac but he asked you to erase memories, he did that. So he knew what he was giving up."

Kara's lips twitched "Have I told you that I'm happy your stalked me in mystic falls?"

Hayley burst out laughing as kara turned around "Trust me, I'm happy that I kinda went all stalker crazy on you too."

Kara cups Hayley's cheek and stares at lovingly "If I had lost you.." she doesn't finish, because she could barely imagine her life without Hayley. It would be a torturous existence.

Hayley' nuzzled into her wife's palm "You didn't, you saved me, you saved Hope. You did that and you didn't lose either of us."

Kara's eyes glossed over "Mm.." she drops her head to Hayley's "I love you little wolf."

Hayley's pecked kara softly "I love you too." Twin footsteps came closer but neither moved.

Hope and Heinrik found their parent in a embrace, hopes eyes softened while Heinrik mock gagged, he could feel the love and affection rolling off the couple and while his chest swelled in affection he was a eleven year old kid "are you guys going to stand there all morning?"

Hope nudged him "Hey!"

Kara laughed softly "One day Heinrik you'll find someone so special that not a day passes without you expressing your love .. and on that day. I'll gag too." She teased

Heinrik made a face "Not for a century" before his alit with mischief "But Hope over here..." he trailed off , the change in his mum was instant.

"Every suitor wishing to court Hope will find themselves compelled into priesthood." Kara said curtly.

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