This is my fault

797 57 4

Inside the crystal

Kara stands in the chambers of her mothers room, staring out at the gorgeous view, the bright sun shining off the tall golden buildings.

"You have never used this method of communication, in fact for centuries I believed you dead." The soft gentle tones met her ears.

"Even with a different face you know who I am." She turned to face the woman.

Frigga stared at her son, no daughter now

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Frigga stared at her son, no daughter now. A soft laugh came from her "Is there any reason I shouldn't?"

Kara sighed "I apologize for not contacting you, but I foolishly believed you and the all father were of the same of mind, sending me down to Midgard.

"I fought against him tooth and nail, he refused to heed words, the harlot in his bed has his ear and I've been relegated to the lower court, queen of Asgard no longer Carries the weight it once did."

Kara's jaw tightened "I apologize." She lowered her head "I was angry and petulant." She laughed dryly "But as much as I wish this was merely a social call mother.." her eyes tearing up "It is not."

Frigga walked over "Tell me what plagues you child?"

"You have become a grandmother, two wonderful children. I'll spare you how and why I'm in this form, but know that I was forced to end my life, forcefully restarting my reincarnation, it's taken a while to wake but when I did, I've become something different, my divinity, is slowly returning but I've become a hybrid of vampire and werewolf."

Frigga eyes softened "My child.."

Kara smiled weakly "I know, it's been hard, for centuries I was lost.. but now, I've found love in a woman, a strong and brave woman.." she smiled "Hayley, she's become my wife and my soulmate."

"Truly?" Frigga gasped "You've found your other half?"

Kara nodded happily "Indeed, it's taken a while but I did and with her I have a son and daughter, my son is eleven, bright, strong, humorous.". She laughed a little "Reminds me of Loki."

"The girl?"

Kara's heart got heavier "She's amazing, but mother is is plagued by a evil I cannot vanquish without killing her." Tears rolled down her cheeks "A evil spirit from Helheim has found its way to Midgard and caused havoc and now my daughter suffers as it's host.,"

Frigga gasped "No."

Kara grit her teeth "I tell no lie, I wish I was, I desperately wish it was all a dream, a nightmare I was forced to endure but it's the truth, I do not know what to do, I cannot hurt her and I cannot end her, she's my daughter.."

Frigga pulls Kara into an embrace allowing her to cry into her chest , Frigga soothed the white hairs of her daughter "There might be a way" she whispered "It's old, forbidden, because it was practiced by the dark elves."

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