The feast of sinners

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Kara lingers by the door to Hope's room, seeing her daughter unconscious, matted with sweat fighting against the hollow pained her deeply.

"Freya said she found something." Kara nodded but didn't take her eyes off their daughter.

"I'm too blame for this." She whispered , digging her nails into her palm.

Hayley saw the blood flowing from Kara's palms and grabbed her hand "Stop, we're both at fault. We promised to do whatever necessary to keep them safe but we forgot that.. those left behind has to deal with the aftermath, in a way we're selfish."

Kara laughed drily "Does it truly make us selfish if we wish our children to grow up without pain or strife?"

Hayley smiled sadly "When we hurt them in the process, but Hope and Heinrik are lucky, they have a mama that will fight everything to keep them safe.. plenty of kids don't even have that."

Kara sighed softly "I just want her safe and happy, that's all I've ever wanted.."

Hayley cupped her wife's jaw and pressed their lips together , the kiss was soft, a comfort really "I know.. I know that Kara.. now come on. It looks like my family had a part in this too." Kara cast one last look at her daughter before following behind Hayley, they met the others in the library, Vincent was there too along with Elijah and Klaus and Freya.

"Okay, now that we're all here. Hayley asked me to do some digging into her birth family and we found that the hollow targeted a labonair first. Inadu was a distant relative of the labonair family, she was a powerful witch that according to the legend lost her child before they could take a breath, distraught, and grieving the hollow, used that as it calling card and promised to bring Inadu's child back to life." Freya started capturing everyone's attention

Vincent continued "This was round about the same time Kara was possessed by its sister spirit, both powerful beings, while Kara was able to stop hers by ending her previous life, Inadu wasn't as lucky, she became drunk on power , gained a cult and only got strong, causing devastation in her wake..

Until a group of supernaturals, wolves, and witches.. managed to subdue her, unable to kill her because she was too strong they sealed her away in four objects or bones."

Kara listened carefully "Okay.. these bones can she sealed again?" She asked Vincent and Freya who shared a look.

"No, when Davina broke our link to the ancestors, that what kept her trapped was destroyed and where ever the bones are right now, are useless." Freya explained

Hayley spoke up "I'm sensing a but coming."

Vincent nodded at Hayley and looked at the Mikaelsons "There is a way to save Hope and the city."

Klaus rolled his eyes "Enough with the dramatics, just tell us who to kill and it'll be done."

Kara sighed and realized what Vincent was alluding to "You want to seal her away again, since we can't and will never hurt Hope."

Vincent nodded "Right, but it can't be any old objects, it has be as powerful , eternal.. something connected to Hope by blood."

Kara eyes watered "Will I ever be able to see her again if I do this?"

Vincent looked at kara with sadness, his expression said it all. "To .. make sure this works, whoever takes the power from Hope needs to split .. they can never be in the same place, for all of time.." he looked at kara "I'm sorry.."

Kara shook her head "Don't be—"

Klaus cleared his throat cutting Kara off "Sister I think you're misunderstanding something." He said and Elijah nodded "Rebekah, kol, Elijah and I will take the power of the hollow. That way you'll never need to be separated from your little girl again." Klaus finished and looked to Hayley and Kara "You both deserve to give your son and daughter a life.. and this is our sacrifice to make.."

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