Gather up the killers

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While Kara battles for superiority , to overcome her worst enemy, herself.Things are heating up in the Quarter.

Vincent watches as dozens of vampires swarm their city , his gaze darkens at the sight of them before he shakes his head.

"We both know this is a mockery." He turns to the voice of the girl who severed the connection to the ancestors and refused to take the mantle of regent again.

"We have a deal with Marcel." He deflects easily.

Davina scoffed "A deal you agreed to , I didn't."

Vincent's sighs "You're no longer regent Davina, you gave it up after you cut the ties with our ancestors."

Davina pursed her lips, her eyes darkening with the mention of their ancestors. The very ancestors that refused her plea to save kol, to save the rest of the mikaelsons from Marcel's venomous bite. "We both know why." She turned from the sight "Your deal with Marcel makes us an enemy to the originals, when they return.. when Kara breaks free.."

Vincent shook his head "If .. and she won't. See this." He motions to the hundreds of vampires flooding the quarter "The fall of Kara Mikaelson, that's what they come to witness. Do you really think she has any more allies?"

Davina opens her mouth to say something but decides against it, while she may not care about many of the Mikaelsons she did care deeply for Kol, she cared for Kara. Which was why she asked Josh to give her updates on the woman.

In the end, Kara had all the right to kill her and she didn't. When she brought mikael back, when kol died in his witch body. Kara could've killed her instead she found herself strangely befriending the woman ..

"I have things to do." She says turning on her heel and leaving their spot, she ignores the eyes following her , definitely some of Marcel's goons, still trying to appeal to her, to become his personal witch.

She scoffed inwardly, she'd never help Marcel again, not when he so callously refused to heal Kol. As she walks she finds her feet moving to one direction, Kol's playhouse, aptly named. It was a house filled with games of the ages, he wanted to catch up with the century and created his own sanctuary, it was also the place they shared the first 'I love you' her heart clenched at the memory. She only hoped where ever Hayley disappeared too, kol was safe.

She felt another pair of eyes on her , she turned on her heel and glared at the person watching her. She didn't recognize him.

"Tell Marcel I'm not interested in becoming his lapdog , like the hundred other times he's tried." She spits angrily at the vampire lackey.

The man didn't look offended if anything he smirked in open amusement, Davinas, back tensed ready to fire a volley of spells. But the man raised his hands in the air.

His dirty blonde hair tousled while wearing an annoying smirk "Im afraid I'm no emissary of Marcel." His accent catches her off guard, she hears the distinct Irish accent bleeding through.

"You're not from here." She states, narrowing her eyes "who are you."

The blonde continues to smirk "We have a mutual friend in common." He says vaguely before looking around him, a dozen or so vampires comes from the shadows.

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