Its not natural

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Meanwhile back in New Orleans

Vincent walks into the compound and sees the vampire corpses littering it.

"Oh look Jane we have a visitor" Alec chirped from his spot.

Vincent stepped back "Look man I don't want any trouble but I would like to know what happened here?"

Jane and Alec shared a smirk "Well, we were getting to clean up, burn the evidence , you know.. clean up my sires home.."

Vincent's eyes widens "Kara Mikaelson..."

Jane smirked "The very one, word had it you backed Marcel in his little power grab , even helped round up all the Mikaelsons for him to take a bite out of ?"

Vincent prepared himself "Look, like I said I don't want any trouble, Marcel had a point, since the Mikaelsons returned to the city there's been war. I just wanted the witches to live."

Jane stared unimpressed by the reasoning so did Alec but before Kara left she did say to leave the witches be, so while they could technically forget the request momentarily and kill the witch, they didn't need to give more fuel to the Mikaelsons being the bane of New Orleans , specifically their sire.

Alec sighed dramatically "If you must know, for the last five years, Kara's sire line has been rather anxious, we like our sire , keeping her alive is very much our prerogative , so , while Marcel bragged about his so called victory over the strongest hybrid ever to exist .. we had other plans."

Jane continued "Yes, meticulously placing our little spies in the quarter, filling marcels ranks with them, killing off his own henchmen, you know.. basic espionage." She shrugged as if the entire operation wasn't knew to them.

Vincent blinked in surprise "You've been planning this for five years?"

Alec jumped down from his perch "Yes, we have. Kara breaking free though wasn't in our plans but it was a nice and pleasant surprise to see our sire rip marcels head off and burn his body. Quite dramatic .. the fight though was anticlimactic after all Marcel didn't stand a chance against Kara which proved our suspicions, he used her daughter .. and siblings to beat her."

Jane snarled "Pretty diabolical, ingenious but disgusting. To use a baby as a motivator. Good riddance. The world needs less men like him."

Vincent swallowed harshly "What now.. where's Kara and her family now?"

Jane pursed her lips "That's top secret, only the upper echelons know where they are and even if we did know. There's no way we'd tell the very witch that sold out her family."

Vincent licked his lips "I guess that means Davina left too?"

Jane and Alec shrugged "If I were you, I'd focus of the strange symbols and sigils marking your walls, looks like the witches aren't exactly following their regent are they?"

Vincent grit his teeth "I'll handle the cauldron.." he looked once more at the bodies "As for the Mikaelsons .. are they planning on coming back?"

Jane shrugged "You'll know when we do, for now. Many of Kara's sire-line will be keeping control of the rest of the vampires scattered in this city."

Vincent didn't have much to say, nor could he when he noticed dozens of vampires looming in the shadows, sure he could take on ten or so, but soon he'd be overrun. He glanced at a particularly charred corpse "That Marcel?"

Jane looks to where Vincent is and laughs "Ah, well. Kara made sure to burn him just to make sure his little upgrade went with him you know?"

Vincent feigned a smile "Uh huh .. I see." He turned on his heel "Well.. I should be going. Nice to meet you .."

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