Diving into a past life I

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Kara stands in the bathroom staring at her reflection, her violet eyes flickering with the ominous blue of the hollow, she grit her teeth in anger , before breathing through her nose. "not this time." She muttered to her reflection.

"Mama?" Hope knocks on the bathroom door "Mom says we're ready to go" Hope says opening the door.

Kara turns to face her daughter " Tell your mom to go along without me; I have something I need to take care of sweetling."

Hope scrunches her face in sadness "But mama.."

Kara sighed inwardly "I'll be by soon, I promise , I just have something to check on okay?"

Hope nodded slowly still upset "Okay.." she mumbled walking away, shoulders sagged. Kara watched her leave with a sad sigh. Hayley saw her their daughter looking despondent and looked to Kara for an explanation.

"Go on to the bayou without me, I'll need to tie up a few loose ends here before I join." Kara explained softly.

"Is something the matter?" Hayley asked looking between her daughter and wife "What's so important that you'll miss one of our pack mates funeral?"

Kara fixed Hayley with a look "I'll explain later, for now. Please."

Hayley reluctantly gave in and lead Hope from the bedroom and down the stairs. Kara watched and barely made it out of the bedroom before being absconded by Niklaus and Elijah with concerned expressions.

"Well one of you should join Hayley and the other is with me." She said to her brothers "Rock , paper , scissors it out."

Later Klaus predictably won Elijah in their game of Rock Paper Scissors, even though Kara was absolutely sure that Elijah was barely trying.

"So where are we off to?" Klaus asked walking beside his sister.

"Vincent." She answered shortly "I have a feeling things are just getting started and unless we end the hollow it's only going to get worse." She said as they neared the cauldron, as she and Klaus made their way through the witch territory, they received a few looks, none of which concerned Kara in the least but Klaus did glare back, somewhat annoyed by the distrustful gazes.

"You kill a witch once and suddenly you're enemy to all witches." Klaus muttered under his breath.

Kara snorted "let's not forget that how many times you've threatened to burn them, boil them and many other threats that are too long to remember Nik."

"We'll you're not innocent either." Klaus retorted childishly

"Never said I was, but at least I had a very good reason, you just find witches annoying, possibly reminding you of our pitiful maternal figure."

Klaus groaned "If I knew we were to discuss my issues I'd let Elijah win our little game"

Kara hummed "Here we are." She said stopping at a shop "He should be in here." She said pushing open the doors, as expected Vincent was behind the counter.

"Alright so I'm here, what did you wanna talk about ?" Vincent asked looking to the two Mikalesons.

Kara walked into the store and followed by Klaus "I'm here because we need to talk about the bitch that's anchored to me." She said "Also she's not entirely here which is why I'm still in full control of my faculties."

Vincent tensed "Are you sure?"

Kara nods leaning against the counter "Very, I've felt something similar before, same signature just different spirit."

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