Haunter of ruins

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Davila estate.

Jane walks through the abandoned mansion "I don't know you very well Vincent but I've seen fear throughout the centuries. I saw despair and fear when Kara ripped my fathers head off before saving my brother and I.. so I know that look. Is this thing truly as scary as you make it out to be?"

Vincent swallowed harshly "eight years ago , Marcel was running this city with an iron fist, claiming that he was protecting a witch.. Davina."

Jane hummed "yes I've had the pleasure, I've also heard the story, actually plenty of us. Some of the witches we associate with, ancestral covens couldn't believe the audacity Marcel had in stopping one of the sacred rituals."

Vincent visibly surprised "wait, you guys get along with witches peacefully?"

Jane rolled her eyes "Honestly, it's surprising. I mean , right now New Orleans is sort of like america was a 100 years ago, filled with racism, prejudice , slaves , etc.. only your people of color is replaced with witches, wolves and vampires.. it's funny when you think of it. Really it's a hoot. But when you boil it all down , we're not that different at all. Magic is the common denominator, that's what kara taught us. That's the reason we get on with most covens, wolves and hybrids at the end of the day , we'll all just trying to live."

Vincent went quiet at the words "I never thought about it like that."

Jane hummed "you wouldn't, when Kara first had control of the city, witches, wolves and vampires lived in peace, not a tense peace or false one but a real peace . Then Marcel ran them out .. by bringing Mikael and burning the city to the ground. I think you all judged kara before she even stepped into the city. Yes I'm not saying my sire is innocent and god knows she has plenty of corpses at her feet but the difference is that many of those corpses were vile humans, sick and twisted vampires.. she did community service really." She laughed softly "Now.. back to what we're going into."

Vincent sighed "Eight years ago when Marcel was protecting Davina and restricting witches left and right I was trying to protect my unborn child."

Jane nods "Respectable and understandable but what does that have to do with our current situation?"

"So... I start looking for forms of magic that you can't defend against. Can't find anything. And then, one night, I walk into my house and I find that notebook just sitting on my table. It's an instruction manual. Sacrificial magic, but it's not like anything I've ever seen practiced anywhere. It made me feel invincible..."

Jane furrowed her brow "I thought it was your wife, also you're not really the first witch to perform sacrificial magic or your ancestors ?"

Vincent shook his head "I started it, and it wasn't to the ancestors , it's different, older, much older. Older than the Mikaelsons. There isn't a name and the book I gave you didn't give it a name either."

Jane tensed with the information, something older than the Mikaelsons "Who gave you the book? There must've of been some sort of lead you were able to follow."

Vincent sighed softly "That's just the thing, the book, the writing, it's in my handwriting and I don't remember writing it at all."

Jane pursed her lips "You were possessed and you didn't even know it."

Forks, Washington
Mikaelson safe house

Kol walked into the lounge falling into the couch with a soft sigh. "Finally managed to get him to sleep." He said to Davina who gave him a soft smile.

"You're good with him."Davina complimented.

Kol smiled slightly bashful "I'm still surprised Kara and a Hayley named me godfather." He laughed softly "I mean, I'm the mischievous, rambunctious little scamp.."

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