Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

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New Orleans is a survivor. She's faced down countless tragedies: fires, floods, war. Where another city would buckle, New Orleans turns misery into magic. And each year, the greatest tradition of all endures... Mardi Gras.

Kara walked through the streets of New Orleans , visibly annoyed by the sights.

"You know people usually enjoy Mardi Gras."

"Yes well some people aren't searching for their wife while this city celebrates and drinks their livers away." She snarked back "Now tell me whether you've found who was responsible for that boys murder?"

Josh sighed "I think we may have an extremist faction in the vampires, I don't know much but I do know they were clearly unhappy with Henry's punishment and took matters into their own hands."

"Is that so?"

Josh hummed "I'm dealing with it, any closer in tracking down Hayley?"

Kara nodded with a slight smile "If she's wearing the necklace then yes, however, misguided my daughters attempt was in trying to lead me back here, she did write a fantastic spell."

Josh snorted "You're proud, just admit it."

Kara side eyed the vampire "I am, however, once I've broken past it and find my darling wife, I'll send my daughter the most expensive paints and canvas to celebrate that fact."

Josh and kara turned down the street "Well, I'll go do my thing, you go do yours, also have you heard from Jane?"

Kara sighed slightly annoyed at her sister "Yes, Rebekah seems to have rejected her proposal, either because she's afraid what might happen or that she hasn't truly gotten over Claire yet."

Josh sighed "well I had to deal with a call at 3 this morning having my boyfriend rant at me for Rebekah's inability to commit."

Kara smirked "he'd never dare try to call me." She patted Josh's back "Go search for these offenders , I need to get back to the compound."


Mystic falls
Salvatore school

Heinrik walked down the hallways, waving to his friends, a few witches he definitely got on with when he saw his best friend.

"Josette my love." He yelled loudly .

Josie turned cheeks flushing red in both embarrassment and annoyance "Heinrik!"

Heinrik smirked and wrapped his arm around Josie's shoudler "Hi, see your crush lately?"

Josie blushed "You're not supposed to speak of it out loud! Lizzie could hear and you know how she'll act."

Heinrik scoffed "I don't know why she doesn't like me, I mean I'm adorable, handsome, funny , smart.. what's not to like?"

Josie shot her best friend and amused glare "Your massive ego."

Heinrik pouted playfully "I got it from my mama."

Josie eyes softened, she was the only one Heinrik told that he wasn't really an argent, but a Mikaelson, that his two moms were Hayley Mikaelson and Kara Mikaelson, one of the most mysterious ones of all. Also according to Heinrik the strongest of the lot "Which one?"

Heinrik rolled his eyes "Definitely mum, my moms more reserved, which brings me to my next topic. So I need you to listen and not judge me, so uh can we go to our spot?"

Josie didn't even hesitate "Sure let's."

The two of them walked through the school and left the doors before walking to the woods surrounding the school, Heinrik pushed away a few branches before walking onto a well worn path. "it's been a while hasn't it." He said taking in there small hut in the distance.

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