Family protects family.

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Hayley checked in on Hope and saw her daughter sleeping quietly, when a hand touched her shoulder "If you did that to anyone else, They'd knee you in the gut and bash your skull in." She muttered

"Well hello to you too wife." Kara greeted with a smirk "but I'd prefer you not knee me, traditionally a wife kisses their significant other when the other has been missing for a while."

Hayley finally turns to her wife and notices the look on her face "So? Where did you go to that was so important? And why did I have to comfort our daughter ?"

Kara spied hope sleeping, somewhat fitfully, unlike the previous nights where she'd toss and turn. "come with me, it's better I tell you all." Kara said quietly as not to disturb the sleeping girl a few feet away.

Hayley sighed but took her wife's outstretched hand , intwining their fingers "You're cold." She stated more like a question

"Side effect, you'll know why soon." Kara reassured. They couple walked down to the library, where Elijah, Niklaus and Freya were gathered already talking, when Kara and Hayley entered they went quiet.

"So, without further a-due, I've already told Niklaus and Vincent this story but I do believe I owe you all a proper explanation, as why my hairs different, why I can use magic now." She noticed Freya's look "Yes sister all of it will be explained." She walked over to the decanter and poured herself a drink, before heaving a deep breath and going through the entire story she did with klaus and Vincent in the herb store, in the cauldron. She explained then in details how she managed to finally merge her split soul while being captive by Marcel..

When she was done, like Vincent, Freya wore a look of astonishment, Elijah impassive but Hayley was silent.

"Tell us again, what happened when you were stuck in that boundary." Hayley said not taking her eyes off her wife.

Kara licked her lips "Well, I was taken to the hollows dimension, which is actually not accurate, since it doesn't have its own dimension but rather the spirit plane, its sort of like the other side, which is too a different dimension for supernaturals that died, only difference between the two is that spirits are able to possess the living without lifting any kind of veil, but if they want to remain on Earth, they need to be anchored, even though i didn't look into the blue lights, that bitch , still tied herself to me when I was pulled back into the living realm."

Klaus gulped down his own drink "Instead of being given a Medal of Honor for saving kids and fighting evil our sister is now haunted and tagged by a depraved ghost."

Kara smirked lightly "Couldn't have said it better myself."

Hayley wasn't amused, in fact she looked downright pissed off, she walked up to her wife and slapped her hard, her ring catching Kara's lip. The latter wasn't as surprised she honestly expected her wife to have some very violent reaction "This isn't a joke!" Hayley hissed angrily.

Kara licked the blood from her lip and gave her wife a steady look "You're right, it's not. It's actually very serious, because if don't rid ours selves of this spirit only chaos will follow. So I apologize for making you think I'm not taking this seriously." She apologized , with a soft look.

Hayley didn't fall for it , she folded her arms across her chest "Where did you go?"

Kara breathed through her nose "Mystic falls, I needed to find the weapon I used to kill myself with , I can no longer die by the use of the white oak stake, but a weapon forged by gods are capable in ending me." She took out the compact form of Longinus, before pushing her power into the staff, it extended before becoming a full halberd. "this is Longinus, I had it forged on a dwarf star, eons ago. It's also the one thing I know that's capable in ending the hollow when you stick her into that book imbued with her power."

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