Where I left my heart I

937 53 2

France, paris , 18th September 2026

"In all my travels throughout the centuries France has yet to disappoint, why do you think that is? The company?" Kara asked kissing her way Hayley's leg.

Hayley giggled "I don't know.. but don't stop that.."

Kara smirked "Or maybe it's celebrating our 14th anniversary.." she murmured making her way inside Hayley's naked thighs..

Hayley's eyes shut "Oh.. yeah.. definitely that.." she moaned.

Kara moved further up, she spread Hayley's legs, pecking the hardened nub "Already so wet.." she whispered before stroking Hayley's core with her tongue "and delicious.."

Hayley groaned "less talking, more eating me out."

Kara laughed happily "Impatient aren't we?"

Hayley groans in both annoyance and frustration "Dammit Kara! It's been months."

Kara hummed and wasted no time in pleasuring her wife wife with her mouth, Hayley's fingers pushed her head harder against her pussy, "Fuck.. just like that, don't you dare stop" Hayley hissed out a loud moan..

Kara wouldn't dare anyway, she' was enjoying the taste of her wife's soaking cunt too much too, she inserts a single digit before taking Hayley's clit between her lips, suckling it .. Hayley's moans of pleasure urging her on.

Soon another digit joined, she curls them hitting Hayley's g-spot repeatedly, Hayley yelled her name as she came, a flood of juices making it way to Kara's waiting mouth..

"As I said , delicious.." kara commented licking her fingers clean, Hayley watches the action for a moment , her eyes darkening with lust, she pulls her wife down

"Now fuck me.." she moaned against Kara's lips, enjoying the taste of herself on Kara's tongue..

Kara cock nudging at Hayley's sodden cunt before she enters her wife in one swift movement, holding her herself up on their palm of her hand she made sweet love to her wife..


Hours later Hayley laid on her wife's chest, drawing slow circles on Kara's abs "Hope says you've stopped sending her letters." Hayley said breaking the post coital bliss.

Kara's eyes closed with the mention of their now 14 year old daughter  "letters, the calls.. it's not enough.. the last time she suprised me with an astral projection was when I was taking out a cult of witches.." Kara murmured.. "she saw me .. she saw me tear them apart Hayley , the look on her eyes.. that was a year ago.. I can't.. I can't bare to see her look at me like I'm a monster.."

Hayley raised her head and cupped her wife's tense jaw "Hey, you're not a monster.. we both know why you've been doing what you have for the past seven years.."

Kara chuckled weakly "To stave the urges but these people were a danger to you, to Hope, to Heinrik. They may not know of him yet, but word will spread and this keeps you safe.. besides Elijah asked me to compel him, to make him forget his vow of always and forever meaning his completely vulnerable to our enemies."

Hayley pecked Kara softly "Hey... baby. Look at me."

Kara looked at the forest green eyes she's loved for the last 15 years "Mm?"

Hayley smiled "I love you.. and Heinrik loves you, Hope loves you, she doesn't see you as a monster, she just needs you to explain what she saw.."

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