The kindness of Strangers

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In New Orleans, bodies cannot be buried. Instead, in boxes above the ground,the dead cluster together. When a man passes on,his family tomb is cracked open. Old bones are shoved aside to make room for fresh remains. Bloodlines rot, entangled.

Chambre de chasse

"We've tried every last exit there's no way out" Elijah said

The houses are that way, too. Layer upon layer of peeling paint, hiding little tragedies. Scorch marks from the fires. Waterlines on wallpaper. These are the tombs of the living, where we rot alongside memories of our dead. Crowded with people we have failed and those who have failed us, we are forced to struggle with those we love.

Kara stared up at the painting of their family, it was the last painting she painted before the voices became too much too ignore.

"The only person who knows of this painting is Heinrik." She murmured staring at her kids in them. "I made this in Spain, he visited and wanted to watch."

Elijah stopped and looked "It's beautiful."

Kara shook her head "This shouldn't be here, I never sent it to the abattoir or the house in mystic falls."

Elijah pursed his lips "a riddle?"

Kara sighed before turning her head "No, this is my son and daughter ." Kara walked through a black door "Im going this way, you check that way."

Chambre de chasse (abattoir interior)

Kara heard movement and tilted her head  "You were never one for subtlety Rebekah,"

Rebekah came from her hiding place "Let me guess, is this another family reunion?"

Kara rolled her eyes "I wouldn't know, I was discussing the possibility of all first borns dying if we come together again, and then the next thing I know I'm here."

"I was in Corsica celebrating Hayley's safe return and next thing you know I just dropped now I'm here." Rebekah said

Kol appeared naked , Kara stared at him half amused, half horrified "suppose you were in a board meeting?" She drawled sarcastically

Kol rolled his eyes "I was waiting for my wife to come home from work. Once again, ripped from complete contentment for... this. Suppose I'll ask the obvious: piss off any witches lately?"

"Well considering my latest enemies were something of Niklaus's past, nazi vampires intent on wiping away any and all hybrids for the backward ideologies.. and possibly my daughter who now hates me.."

Kol and Rebekah's eyes softened "She doesn't hate you kara." Rebekah reassured

Kara sighed shaking her melancholy "Kol tell me you didn't teach my son the chambre de chasse?"

Kol folded his arms "Hey! Just because I'm a cunningly handsome mischievous little fox doesn't mean I'm at fault."

Kara stared blankly "Did you not then?"

Kol smirked "Maybe a little bit? He was visiting , and he wanted to learn something new.. I thought it was a good way to test his capabilities."

Kara groaned "Well now we know that his the one part of this and if his doing it then so is Hope .." she smacked Kol's head "Don't teach my son your tricks ."

Kol snickered "Okay, I may have gone a bit overboard but you can't say you're not proud."

Kara glared but didn't refute the statement "Well what is their goal?"

Rebekah shrugged "Perhaps we were overdue for some sibling bonding."

Kara hummed before walking back to the library "Well I'll be trying to solve the riddle. Sibling bonding is much too overrated and this is wasting time, I'd rather save us from the evil that plagues us before getting out the bourbon and sharing tales of our adventures."

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