I hate math

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Forks, Washington 28th May 2019
Back garden

Kara walked out to the garden in search of Hope, Heinrik was asleep, he'd tuckered himself out being chased around by kol and Rebekah who had taken to the boy almost immediately, his bright and cheery demeanor cheered up every single Mikaelson, while Hope was more reserved, she certainly smiled a lot more when Kara was around her.

She found Hope sitting at the bed of flowers staring at them, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She silently walked up and kneeled down beside her.

"What are we doing?" She asked gently, but her abrupt question startled Hope and she jumped

"Mama! Don't do that!" She complained

Kara smirked "sorry sunshine, so tell me, what are we doing?"

Hope huffed adorably "Nothing." She lied badly

Kara raised a brow "Oh really?"

Hope bit her lip nervously "promise you won't tell mommy?"

Kara shook her head "Depends darling, is it dangerous? Could you get hurt?"

Hope sighed, shoulders slumping "I was trying .. magic." She said softly waiting to be scolded.

Kara nodded "I see." She stood to her feet "Come with me." She told Hope whilst holding out her hand.

Hope looks confused "You're not going to scold me?"

Kara laughed softly "You my darling are curious, you have gifts of course you're going to experiment." She smiled nostalgically "Reminds me of when your uncle kol was a child. Always curious, trying new things.. It's alright, but I would prefer you practicing magic with me, your aunt Freya or Davina." She said as they asked through the woods "so what were you trying to do specifically?"

Hope shrugged a little "Make the flowers grow.. Heinrik likes the purple ones.."

Kara smiled "That's sweet, but like I said, better to learn from you're aunt or me. Now. Recently I've realized that I have magic.. would you like to see?"

Hope nodded somewhat excitedly "Mommy said . You were a. Hybrid..?"

Kara nods "Well, technically I'm like you and your brother . A tribrid, able to do magic , I'm a vampire and I can change into a wolf.." she explained plainly

"Can I turn Into a wolf too?" Hope asked eyes wide

Kara smiled sadly "No, not yet. See the process is something your mommy and I will explain when you're older okay?"

Hope not happy but nodded nonetheless.

Kara lead them to a small stream "Now, I need you to listen to me carefully." She told Hope as they sat down on a log "There are different kinds of magic in the world. The witches in New Orleans gain power from their ancestors, they practice what's called ancestral magic, the longer your lineage the stronger your magic, understand ?"

Hope bit her lip but slowly nodded her head "Mm."

Kara chuckled "It's okay if you don't, but now, see unlike those witches, you don't need to draw power from your deceased family.. because you're my daughter you have your own sort of magic. It's not necessary for spells and incantations but you use that sort of magic as well. So the magic we have is used by our intent.."

Hope furrowed her brow "Intent?" Not familiar with the word.

Kara licked her lips "Yes, intent, it basically means what you want to happen. Like for instance I want to start a small fire." She snapped her fingers, a small ball of flame conjured in her hand making Hope's eyes widen in awe.

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