One wrong turn on bourbon

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Hope sat in her room at the Salvatore school , before clasping the necklace her mum gave her ..

"Demitte moi, demitte moi" she opened her eyes and gasped at the chaos.


Kara turned to face her her eyes flashing golden "Go now!"

The abattoir

Kara walked into the compound "Freya."

Freya's eyes softened "Kara, you can't stay, Hope's here.."

Kara closed her eyes , pushing away the tears threatening to fall "I know, I have no interest infecting my daughter with this darkness, however, my wife is missing.." she looked around at the blood on the ground "This place reeks of blood, like it hasn't been before."

Freya scoffed "Well either you or Rebekah is to blame considering that Kol has been in the same place his been for the last seven years."

Kara's eyes flashed golden "I don't need petty sentiments, I compelled Elijah myself, I know what he's done and given up, and I do not and will not seek him out not at the expense of my daughter!" She growled

Freya sighed "Fine Rebekah then."

Kara shook her head "tell me about Hayley .. where was she seen last?"

"Apparently going to speak to Lisina about the new hybrid Hope created, since then I haven't heard from her , also I've tried every locator spell I know  there's no—""

Kara's ears perked at the familiar heartbeat coming down the stairs


Kara's eyes went to Hope, her violet orbs glossing over with tears, her daughter had grown so much more beautiful in their time apart, she looked behind Hope and saw her son wave happily at her, wearing that infectious grin that never failed to make her laugh..

"Hope.." Kara shook her head stopping herself from hurting her daughter before blurring away leaving the compound..

Heinrik bit his lip and clasped Hope's shoulder "Hope.."

"She couldn't even look at me.." Hope said, voice cracking..



Kara walked into the bar gate crashing the funeral she noticed the face she was looking for "Joshua .."

Josh's eyes widened "Whoa! Hey, not that it's not great to see you because you know it is, so great, missed you and everything but uh you can't really be here, it already rained blood and I don't even wanna guess what's next."

Kara sighed "Joshua, I don't want to be here, every second I spend in this city, I put my daughter in peril. Believe me I know the consequences, but my wife.."

Josh's face set in realizat"What do you need?"

Kara nodded gratefully "You've been in charge of the vampires for seven years, there are certain leads I cannot follow.I'll stick to the shadows, you won't even know I'm here, but it's been two days, and Hayley doesn't go down without a fight.."


The abattoir

"Argent.." Hope and Heinrik looked up from the spot .

"Hope tell me who the hell is this sculpted looking asshole.. doing in our family home?" Heinrik spat staring at roman venomously.

Hope glanced between her brother and Roman "Yeah, what are you doing here Roman? I don't remember telling you about this place? And I think the school only has our mystic falls address?"

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