Where I left my heart II

859 56 3

Salvatore school
Mystic falls

Heinrik pushed his hands through his hair, he stared at the door before taking a deep breath and knocking..

"Come in."

Heinrik pushed the door open and saw Hope on her bed, barely looking at him before fixing her eyes on the book her hand.

Heinrik closes the door behind him "So... funny thing happened.. earlier." He starts pushing his hands into his pocket.


Heinrik rolls his eyes subtly "So you know, Henry, scrawny guy? One of the crescent wolves from New Orleans?"

Hope sighs "What do you want Heinrik?"

Heinrik walks over to the bed "I want you to tell me that you didn't do what I think you did, I want you to tell me that you didn't give Henry your blood and assist him in the least subtle suicide ever.."

Hope looks down guiltily "I can't tell you that."

Heinrik sighed softly "Hope, come it's me, you know your favorite brother.."

Hopes lips twitched slightly "You're my only brother idiot."

Heinrik shrugs "Tamotoe , tomato."

Hope looks up to her brothers face, he was definitely growing like a weed , he didn't look like your average 11 year old either "I was thinking that if I made a big enough splash it would make mama come home, to make her look my way instead of treating me like some unwanted step child."

Heinrik's eyes softened "Tell me, do you know what the date was yesterday?"

Hope furrowed her brow "17th September why?"

"Our parents anniversary, yesterday they've been married for 14 years. 14, that's longer than I've been alive and right now, your stunt is taking away the one thing mom looks forward too every year, spending a week with her wife.. now I'm not saying you're not important but what I'm saying is why couldn't I don't know wait till October?" Heinrik asks with a sad smile.

"I forgot." Hope mumbled "she's not going to come is she?"

Heinrik sat down beside his older sister "We both know why she can't, she loves you Hope, she stays away because she doesn't want to hurt you, I mean, whenever I see her, she asks about you." He motioned to the canvas's "Where you're still painting, whether you still like to study to Mozart."

Hope shook her head "Then why hasn't she called? Sent letters? Asked me all of that herself?"

Heinrik pursed his lips , that wasn't something he knew, he saw his mama last in June, they celebrated his birthday at his favorite place which don't judge him was Disney land, he loved the rides and besides making  mama go on the roll-coaster after eating a dozen churros was hilarious.."I don't know.." he mumbled softly "But." He paused taking Hope's hand in his "I swear she doesn't love me more than you, in fact I think it's the other way around.." he joked with  a small smile.

Hope leaned her head on her brothers shoulder "I just miss her so much.. " she whispered..

Heinrik sighed "Yeah, I wish we could get our family back together, I miss uncle kol and aunt Davina too. And aunt bex but she's completely inlove with Jane. Ick." He mumbled sticking his tongue out making Hope laugh at his childishness

"Really ? Ick?" Hope snorts

Heinrik's eyes lit up "Hey! Maybe you should get a boyfriend or a girlfriend?!" He didn't see hopes cheek pink when he said girlfriend "Mom always says that mama would send you too a nunnery or stake anyone who thinks they're worthy of her princess.."

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