Five years

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Compound- Kara's cell - December 2019
Five years passed since she's been taken as Marcels' willing prisoner, she's been made to endure and suffer as he mutilated her, watching as she healed all for Marcels to repeat the process for his sick amusement, her back whipped, bloodied and bruised , old scars reopening before healing once more.

Every second week or so he decided to bite her , expelling seven different kinds of venom into her body, just because he could.

But most of all, was the mockery he made of it, vampires from all over the world to bare witness to the great Kara Mikaelson chained, weak and broken.

A few faces she recognized, others barely interested her but the few she recognized she saw the anger in their eyes, and she knows what it meant.

"There's been in an increase in the attacks lately." Kara doesn't open her eyes as she listens to her only real contact.

"I see, and what does Marcel believe the cause is?"

"He blames it on some vampires trying to go against him."

Kara snorts in amusement "Is that so?"

Josh sighs "yeah we lost  20 night walkers last week alone, it's getting bad, the guys want answers but Marcels' not giving them any."

Kara hummed slightly amused by the discord being down onto Marcels' kingdom "I suppose every king will need to face dissent sooner or later." She shrugs not particularly sympathetic to her captors circumstances.

"Anywho, Aidens' been trying to find a way to get you out , personally I've come to learn about the passageways pretty good , so I think we have a chance."

Kara finally turns to face the boy "Concern yourself with keeping yourselves safe and not with me." After five years she had grown somewhat fond of the boy and she didn't want to see him dead for attempting to break her free.

"I've gotta go, I've got patrol but I'll bring you by a snack later okay?" Josh says with a small smile before he runs off, not agreeing to steer clear of danger.

Kara sighs and turns to her ghost companions, in order she sees Heinrik, Claire , her mother and Ansel.

Heinrik and Claire engrossed in a card game, her mother glowering at her while her father stares at her in sympathy,
"What shall we discuss today? My eternal damnation mother?" She asked Esther before looking to Claire and Heinrik "Or perhaps my inability to accept who I am?"

Heinrik looks from his card game "You realize we're only constructs of your imagination , we're not really here .." He says for the umpteenth time.

Kara smiles "Perhaps , I long for death and conjured those ready to shepherd me.?"

Claire scoffs "Maybe you should accept you're the reincarnation of a god and get yourself out of this hellhole."

The words cut deep but Kara's expression remains impassive "I play captive and my family remains safe."

Ansel spoke up "Do you truly think that vile man cares? What if he searches for your daughter , for the child you haven't met , for the woman you love ? What if while you waste away and feel sorry for yourself they're suffering?"

Kara screws her eyes shut, her impassive expression falters "leave." The single word sends her father away but not before she sees the last disappointing look her shoots her ..

Esther finally speaks "Or perhaps you remain because you know sooner or later you'll become the same kind of mother like me, wanting to end the abominations you brought into this world."

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