She's struggling

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A day before

Hope squeezed her brothers hand, offering him a soft smile as she leads him into the garden. Hope now seven years old and her younger brother four . Five years, passed since they fled New Orleans leaving behind a very important part of them.

Hope blinks away the tears welling in her eyes, her mommy didn't know that she remembered the day clearly, she remembered her mama as clear as day and while Heinrik might not remember or even know their mama , she certainly did.

"Hope.." Hope turns to look at her four year old brother, his blue eyes glinting innocently at her. "Why you crying?"

Hope sniffed wiping away her tears, seeing that she was actually crying, she managed a weak smile and squeezed Heinriks smaller hand. "I just miss mama.." she whispers softly.

Heinriks eyes glows with the mention of their mama "when is mama coming..?" He asks innocently and Hope's heart twinges, she had time with their mama, she remembered.. however fuzzy the memories may be but she remembered her mama's voice, her laughter.. her smiles.

Hope kneels in front of her brother and pulls him into a hug, she closed her eyes trying to stop the tears. She didn't want to cry not when she knew her mama is suffering. "Remember what mommy says? Mama is the strongest in the whole world.. she will come back.." she promises weakly.

Heinrik hums "Mmkay..hopey."

Hope smiled at nickname "Come on.. let's go, I want to show you something." She says leading Heinrik to the garden, she brings him over to a dead patch of grass. Kneeling down , he follows her example and Hope closes her eyes and puts her hands on the grass concentration .

Heinriks eyes widened as the dead grass is replaced by white flowers "Ha!" He gasped

Hope opened her eyes and smiled at her achievement, her mommy didn't know she was secretly practicing magic... it was a secret and a secret she wanted to share with her brother.

"How?" Heinrik asks

Hope smiles proudly "magic" she whispers softly "But it's a secret okay, so you mustn't tell mommy."

Heinriks head moves you and down rapidly. "Mmm our secret.." he says sticking out his pinky.

Hope links her own "Our secret." She echoes the promise.

"Hope? Heinrik?!" Both of them shoots up at their mommy's voice wafting through.

Hope quickly stands and pulls her brother with her, moving away from the flowers as they break through past the hedges, she sees her mother standing with her arms crossed "What have I told you about disappearing without telling me?" Hayley asks firmly.

Hope looks down while Heinrik pouts.

"Not too." Hope mumbled

Heinrik nods in agreement "Mm."

Hayley looks at her son and daughter , three years apart and yet, they're closer than twins.. shaking her head she looks at her son, while Hope may look like her but her son was the spitting image of Kara..

She kneels down to their height and lifts Hope's chin "Honey I'm not upset, I just want to make sure the two of you are safe.."

Hope grumbles "we're in the middle of nowhere.."

Hayley chuckled "Maybe, but there are wild animals in the forest. Okay? Don't run off baby." She admonished gently, and turns to Heinrik "what do you think would happen if Heinrik were to get hurt?"

Hopes eyes immediately fills with tears "never. I'll protect him"

Hayley smiled at her daughter "I know, I know you think you can protect your brother but sometimes things are out of our control Hope.."

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