The tale of two wolves II

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Mystic grill

"So mums at our school?" Heinrik asks dipping his fries in tomato sauce.

"She is, she said she needed to speak to Caroline about something important."

Hope sighed "Mom"

Hayley didn't even let her daughter speak her sentence "No, now , what are we ordering for dessert?"

The waiter walked up, Hope and Heinrik looked up but Heinrik smirked and glanced at his sister smugly.

"Oh look hopey, it's the boy who likes you." Heinrik blurted intentionally, the result was Hayley raising a brow, Hope blushing embarrassed and Landon looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"Heinrik!" Hope scolded

Heinrik snickered before bursting out laughing "Oh man, your face is hilarious."

Hope shook her head annoyed at her little brother "Sorry about him Landon, I'm convinced he was dropped on his head as a child."

Landon smiled weakly "It's okay, I mean I'm not really subtle huh."

Hayley coughed "So you do like my daughter." She asked innocently, but smirked when she spied a certain white haired woman walking up to their table, no doubt hearing the entire conversation.

A firm hand clasped Landon's shoulder "Excuse me waiter, I'll have a glass of bourbon neat, one chocolate sundae, one vanilla one, a strawberry and and mint sundae right now." She said eerily calm,

Landons back tensed "Uh .. yes uh of course ma'am."

Kara smiled fakely as the boy ran off and turned to her daughter "Do better Hope, he looks like a scruffy puppy."

Heinrik snorted "Oh man he does."

Hope groaned "I don't like him okay! I think I'm gay" she blurted .

Kara blinked unperturbedly by the revelation "Well then that doesn't change the fact that your suitors would still pass my tests."

Hayley giggled "Oh Hope, why didn't you tell us before?"

Hope groaned "Because .. I don't know, I guess I was still figuring it out but uh well since I might die soon and all, I guess I should at least be honest."

Kara stiffened as did Hayley. But Heinrik smoothly ignored the death talk and wiggled his brows suggestively. "got a crush on any lady?"

Hope rolled her eyes "Shut up, and maybe."

Kara hummed "As long as it's someone worthy of you, I'll have no issue."

Hayley nodded "And if this person makes you happy then that's all we want honey."

Kara added "Also if they don't, I'll snap their neck."

Hope blinked "Mum please.. I mean Alaric and Caroline would murder you .."

Heinrik snickered "I know now who it is!" He said happily and triumphantly !

"Who? One of the twins?" Hayley asked making Hope's  cheeks redden. "is it lizzie?"

Hope scoffed "Oh god, she'd kill me."

Kara actually smiled "Josette." She said softly "I approve, she seems like a nice girl."

Hope flushed "I don't wanna talk about it okay" she said pointedly and glared at Heinrik "you shut up."

Heinrik zipped his lips shut "Mm."

Kara laughed softly "Well since we're not going to discuss Josette , it's been a while since I've been in mystic falls, are there any new attractions?" She asked her wife and kids.

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