We have to go back

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St Anne's

Jane watched the witch with a careful eye "Well?"

Vincent looks up at the vampire "Look, you want peace? I know you guys are cleaning up the quarter, ending the last of marcels men, great, but right now there's missing kids, I need to find this boy, his pretty important to someone equally as important to me."

Jane stared "I don't think I have to tell you that , my guys or any one us here vampires I mean, would ever touch a child. That is one of Kara's rules, the one she made us follow when she turned us. If you think we did this—""

Vincent raised his hands "Whoa, I'm not blaming vampires alright, in fact I know it's not." He looks to the item he retrieved "but if this thing is here then you might wanna give your sire a call, because her daughter will be in danger too."

Jane's jaw tightened "Explain."

Vincent sighed "I was married before."

Jane rolled her eyes "I don't need to hear your sob story mate, just why Hope would be in danger."

Vincent scoffed "Well my wife was insane, after we lost our own baby, she started getting into real dark magic, sacrificial magic. First it was just a bird , a snake and then .. she started stealing kids from witches homes, all to sacrifice it to a spirit.."

Jane tensed "This wife of yours? Where is she? Dead?"

"No, she was stuck in the old witches house, but since Kara took Freya outta there and the whole thing got destroyed she was gone. I mean I was stuck as being used at a vessel at the time but after I went to check and there was no sign of her." Vincent explained

Jane raised a brow "Now she's back and now she's looking to sacrifice more kids?"

"Yeah, I don't know, but what I do know is, that darkness, that spirit twisted her all up and spat her out. That's not my wife, not anymore at least." Vincent leveled the vampire with a look "And word has it that Hope is the first born Mikaelson witch, in a thousand years, you tell me, how much do you wanna bet they'll go after her too?"


Forks , Washington May 2019

Kol played in the front garden with Heinrik distracting him from the conversation happening a few feet away.

"Anything?" Kara asked looking at Freya and Davina.

They both shook their heads in the negative "Whatever's affecting Hope, is only targeting her for some reason." Freya looked over to Heinrik happily laughing with kol "It doesn't seem to be affecting Heinrik in the least."

Klaus clasped Kara's shoulder "Hope is strong whatever this is she'll overcome it, she's a Mikaelson."

Kara shook her head refusing Klaus's comfort "I went into her dreams, she said she's been hearing voices, they want her." She said looking to Freya and Davina "Hayley's with her now, but she hears these voices even whilst awake. So whatever spirit is haunting her, I think it's because she's a firstborn Mikaelson. That makes her stronger than most witches, in addition to her being a Tribrid, I don't think whatever this voice is will stop until it gets what it wants."

Rebekah chewed her lip "So what do we do? How do we fight against voices?"

Kara's shoulders slumped "I have no idea. Which is why.." she breathed out "We should go back to New Orleans, mother was buried there and even though the covens has cut their ties from their ancestors, their power still flows through her veins."

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