Keeper of the house

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Jane and Alec's hotel room

After cleaning up the Mikaelson compound , Alec and Jane decided to get their own hotel room , not needing to invade of their sires home. Jane just got out of the shower and groaned when she saw her brother and Josh making out on the couch.

"Can't you get a room?" She groaned in annoyance.

Alec pulled back from Josh and pulled Josh to his own room waving a goodbye to his sister. Jane shook her head. Alec could change gears so quickly  and yet, her mind was still on those kids, that power and everything Vincent told her. As she was about to reach for the mini bottle of whisky someone pounded on their hotel door.

Furrowing her brow she went to open it "Vincent." She greeted with a raised brow

"We got a problem"

"Okay?" Jane asked  widening the door for Vincent to enter the hotel penthouse.

"Those kids never made it to the hospital."

Jane scowled "We put them in the ambulance ourselves."

"Yeah well the ambulance is missing too." Vincent replied

Bayou woods

"The children are sedated , I've already prepared them for the ritual." Will stated

"A token of our masters power" he says handing over something to will "you'll need it for what's to come. Just one last thing. Your friend Vincent Griffith."

Wills eyes glows an iridescent blue "I won't let anything get in the way."

The abattoir

Kara paced the courtyard, her home was in disrepair even though it was cleaned up of all the corpses , the walls and everything was coming apart. She would usually be more upset but given the circumstance her home was the last of her worries.

"Where's Vincent?" Hayley asked her pacing wife.

"Right here." Vincent said walking in followed by Jane , the latter greeted her sire with a smile and wave.

Kara stops her pacing and glanced at the witch before looking at Jane "Have the other children been found? On our way here Hope had a dream that someone was hurting them"

Jane winced "About that."

Vincent cleared his throat "We found the kids, but when we loaded them into the ambulance , that went missing on its way to the hospital, along with the kids."

Kara jaw clenched "Have patrols doubled immediately." She told Jane and turned to Vincent "I'm told you have information on this monstrosity haunting my daughter."

Vincent nods "Look, I just need your word that you won't attack the witches for the deal I made with Marcel five years ago."

Kara narrowed her eyes "I have no quarrel with the witches. Help my daughter and you'll find yourself free of my wrath ."

Hayley touched Kara's forearm "What she means is , help our little girl and everything else is bygones."

Kara rolled her eyes "Yes as my lovely wife says."

Vincent nods just as he was about to begin, crows are heard overhead , he walks to the couch Hope is laying on and kneels down beside her, touching her clammy forehead  "Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a."

"Mommy, mama?" Hope wakes up.

Kara breathed out "we're here sweetling." She said coming into view .

Vincent licked his lips "there, your little girl is purified."

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