Diving into a past life II

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The bayou

Jackson and Lara's funeral came and went and yet there was still no sign of Kara anywhere.

Hope had been down in the dumps ever since , her mama broke a promise and she was concerned about her dreams and the hollow being inside of her mama, it only worried and concerned the little seven year old more.

"Hope honey, come on we're going back to the compound." Hayley called out.

Hope kicked the pebble before she could move she felt someone behind her , turning she was suprised to see her mama standing there.

"Mama? I thought you weren't coming anymore."

Kara smiled softly "I did promise I would, but I can't stay long. I have to go find something important." She kneeled down and cupped hopes cheek "I just wanted to see my little girl before I went."

Hope stared at her mama with worry, her blue eyes glossing over with tears "Its here isn't it." She whispered softly

Kara nods sadly "It is, it's anchored to me, but it can't use me, because it's not yet completely here. Which is why I need to go now.."

"Hope?" Hayley called coming to the deck and noticed Hope and Kara. "Kara?"

Kara sent her wife a smile before turning back to her daughter and kissing her head "Stay close to mommy, don't let the voices get to you, and make sure to wear the bracelet aunt Freya made you okay?"

Both Hope and Kara's eyes went to the silver magic bracelet dampener "You'll be safe right?" Hope asked softly

Kara nodded "Of course, I'll be back soon, be a good girl and when you speak to your brother later, tell him I love to to the moon and back."

Hope sniffled "Okay.." Kara pressed another kiss to her daughters forehead before standing up and looking at Hayley.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Hayley asked with a raised brow

"when I get back I will. I promise.I have something to do, I'll be gone and most likely return later tonight, or possibly tomorrow morning depending on how well my search goes."

Hayley stared at her wife before a shaking her head "Fine, but you better believe you'll be telling me the whole story when you get back."

Kara chuckled and pecked Hayley's cheek "Of course wife." She winked and blurred away. Hayley sighed softly before holding out her hand to Hope.

"come on let's go honey, we have a call with you brother today." Hayley tried to cheer up her daughter who had tears in her eyes.

"Okay mommy."



Vincent and klaus reached the compound , each thinking about their own thoughts about the revelations and bombs kara dropped on them.

"So any idea how we start this search?" Vincent asked Klaus coming from his own thoughts.

Klaus visibly shaking himself from his sisters last words "Newspaper articles, this can't be the first time the hollows attempted to find a vessel, like you said, eight years ago she tried using you and successfully used your wife, but she wasn't strong enough to bring her to the living." Klaus started as he made his way to the attic with Vincent following "Also going back to your old house could also yield some results, the witchcraft I'll leave to you and Freya , while I look for any paper trail." He said opening the door.

"Freya ." Klaus greeted his sister who was reading through a grimoire. "you know Vincent, Vincent you're acquainted with Freya, tell her what you're looking for, everything else will come from Kara when she returns for her errand , now if you'll excuse me I have massacres to search for." He said leaving the warlock and witch to their own devices.

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