Thats not my daughter

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Mary's cabin

Hayley paused at the door before knocking. She swallowed the fear of being chased off but when the door swung open she saw Mary stare at her for a moment before letting her in.

"What are you doing here?" Mary asked hoarsely "Mikaelsons returns and there's a massacre in the the bayou, your wife have anything to do with that?"

Hayley bit her lip "No, look, that's why I'm here, I'm here to explain what happened in the bayou, what happened to Jack. You deserve to know the truth."

Mary narrowed her eyes "Fine, tell me."

"There's this spirit, it has a cult of followers, that day Jackson died. I found out that he joined this cult, they're bad people Mary and I have no idea why Jackson thought it was a good idea but he was seen drawing their sigil, a snake eating it's own tail.."

Mary's eyes flashed with recognition "A snake eating its own tail? Are you sure?"

Hayley nodded "Yeah, Hope's been affected by this and it wants my little girl, right now we're running a race against time, because if I don't , If we don't figure out anything to keep her safe, Kara will take the last resort .."

Mary's eyes softened at the admission "She's a mom."

Hayleys eyes welled with tears "I know, I'm too but I refuse to lose my wife, I refuse to have Hope believe she's the reason for her mama dying.. so please if you've seen anything like this before it would really help."

"You need to see something." Mary said before leaving the room, Hayley waited for a while, texting her wife and then Freya to hear whether they found anything.

"Here" Mary came back with a book "That's my husbands journal, the sigil, that marking it didn't make any sense to me, but it's all over that."

Hayley took the journal and slowly nodded "Thanks." She went to sit and speed read through the journal, most of it revolutionist trash but in the near the end it became gibberish, but the sigil marking going never faltering. She closed the journal and closed her eyes "excuse me , I need to make a call." She said walking outside she dialed Kara's number and waited for her to answer

"Little wolf."

A smile curled up on her lips "hey, I found something."

"You have ?" Kara asked watching Hope paint.

"Yeah, Mary gave me her husbands journal, most of its revolutionist trash, plots for an uprising but there's something about my parents in there as well." Hayley said looking at the book.

"What does he say about them?"

"Mostly that they're traitors for dealing with vampires that sort of thing, in the end his thoughts clearly deteriorated as time went on, but the sigil markings , the ouroboros are all over the journal."

Kara smiled at the painting Hope created "It's gorgeous darling, go wash up, we'll have lunch soon." Kara said to Hope before responding to Hayley "So you think that the hollow made him kill your parents?" Kara asked

Hayley hummed "Yeah, I do, I really do."

"Okay, I'm going to get out daughter something to eat, be careful, and call me if anything happens, I mean it Hayley."

Hayley looked at the journal "Yeah, okay, love you."

"I love you too." Kara said before ending the call. Hayley glanced at to Mary's cabin before walking to the door.

"Hey.. thanks for this." She said handing back the journal but Mary looked at her with sadness.

"I'm sorry—"

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