You're the very best of her

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Abattoir courtyard

Kara was blasted across the room by a invisible force, she slammed cracking the wall. She drops to the ground, coughing out a blob of blood. "More! Harder this time of that pain, that simmering darkness. You need to purge it before it eats you alive." She said standing to her feet wiping her mouth clear of the blood.

Hayley and Heinrik watched on, Heinrik hand squeezed his moms painfully.

Hope fell to her knees crying.

"It's not working." Hope managed through her tears.

Kara blurred to her kneeling daughter "What's wrong."

Hope eyes flared with the hollows blue before settling to her usual blue "It's not working, No matter how hard I try to get it out, I don't feel any better. You're not the one I want to hurt "

Kara's eyes hardened "Give me a name."

Hayley' screws her eyes shut in resignation.

"mom?" Heinrik calls

"Roman sienna." Hope says softly.

Kara kissed her daughters head before blurring away.

"Mom?" Heinrik called again

Hayley opened her eyes and looked down at her son "Where's mum?" He asked cluelessly.

Hayley looked down to Hope who was staring at the spot Kara had been on "To get something to help your sister.

Romans hideout

"I know before my sister died you guys had to watch me but this is kinda getting creepy, don't you think? So, what? Hmm? What, am I supposed to spend all eternity holed up in this stupid room? Will you guys just say something? "

Kara killed the guards plucking their hearts from their chests.

Roman moved back in fear "Get it over with." He stammered.

Kara smirked devilishly "Oh no, I'm saving that right for someone special." She said before snapping his neck and hauling him over her shoulder.

The abattoir underground

Kara strung Roman up in chains, he woke up staring at Hope and Kara.

"Have you decided how you'll end him darling?" She asked gently.

Hope glared at Roman "Slowly."

"Hope, hey hope! You're not a killer." Roman tried appealing,

Kara rolled her eyes "You're already dead, it wouldn't be killing besides given your nazi beliefs I think it would be a service to the community."

Hope chuckled "Mum , do you mind if I do this alone?"

Kara glared at Roman before looking at Hope , she pressed her lips against her forehead "No matter what you do, you'll always be my daughter , remember that."

Hope nodded "Thanks mum."

Kara left and walked back upstairs where she found Hayley in an alcove. "Disproving my parental skills?"

Hayley eyes hardened "She's 14"

Kara sighed "I know, I know that, but she's not a normal 14 year old, she has my blood, the blood of gods and right now she's fighting against a evil spirit from the depths of Helheim,we have no choice."

Hayley lost her glare "I know, I know it's just fucking frustrating that no hard we try, something always goes wrong."

Kara hugged Hayley, pressing her lips against Hayley's temple "I know, but I'm contacting my people, Alec and Jane, Marcus and Lily have been scouring the globe for answers, they reading through everything they can to find a way to end our daughters torment." She sighed "How's Heinrik holding up?"

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