This place is a curse

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Heinrik's room

Heinrik gasps shooting straight up from the bed, only to notice that he was in his room at the compound. A weight settles on the bed making him look at the figure.

"Uh hey mom" he waved weakly.

Hayley stared at her son for a moment , not speaking, she didn't quite know what to say to her youngest, not when he and Hope did something so unbelievably reckless.

Heinrik didn't need to be an empath to know that his mom was pissed off, the scowl on her face said it all. "Sorry about knocking you out." He apologizes sincerly.

Hayley scoffed "I never expected you to do something so reckless , I mean you've always done what I asked, played the part at school, did your chores, you're smart, your mum and I think you could be a genius but in your infinite wisdom what possessed you to think that helping your sister take in a old evil spirit was a good idea?"

Heinrik opened his mouth wanting to say something, before closing it. He looks down to his hands, fiddling with his finger is nervously "I just wanted to help." He mumbles, it's so low that Hayley had to strain her supernatural hearing to make sure she heard it.

"You could've died, you and Hope could've died. What then?" Hayley's scowl vanished replaced by anguish "Did you think that getting our family back together would be worth it if you and Hope died? Did you think about what pain it would bring me, bring your mum.. to know we're the reason our kids died?"

Tears started to well in the young boys eyes, despite him acting older than eleven he was in essence still a child and to see the pain and distress he caused his mom made him cry even harder "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.." he choked out.

Hope's room

Kara sits in the rocking chair that used to sit in Hope's nursery when she was a baby and watched her fourteen year old daughters' chest rise and fall peacefully sleeping as if she hadn't taken in a maniacal spirits hours ago ..

Turning her eyes from Hope she looks at the pieces of art against the wall, her eyes falls onto a familiar piece she and Hope made back in Washington, a day or so after she had escaped her torment and killed Marcellus. She hears hopes breathing pattern changing, becoming a bit faster..

Hope blinks awake sitting straight up, her eyes falling almost immediately onto the person sitting in the corner of the room.


Kara eyed her daughter "How do you feel?"

Hope swallowed harshly at her mums tone, it was neither , warm or cold, just empty. "Like I stayed up all night drinking .. and now I have a massive hangover." Hope joked weakly

Kara remains unamused "I would think you're suffering from a magic hangover, taking in a old evil spirit does that."

Hope chewed her lip "Okay.. can we just get to the part where you say how disappointed you are in me, it seems to be the latest trend.."

Kara stands up from her seat and walks closer, she hesitated before sitting down and taking her daughters hands in her own "to be honest I'm a mixed bag right now. Disappointed, rage , anger, disbelief.."

Hopes' eyes glossed over with tears "Maybe .. a little pride?"

Kara gave Hope an exhausted look "What were you and your brother thinking?"

Hope looked down to their hands "We wanted our family back together, like when we were in Washington, we were happy. You and mom would dance in the lounge , when you thought we were asleep.. you'd tell Heinrik and I stories of your travels to put us to bed at night, you'd take me into the forest around the house and show me the great part of being a vampire.. I missed that, I missed you.. and I wanted more than some half version of you.."

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