Gods gonna trouble water

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Mystic falls
Salvatore school

Hope woke from her sleep before shooting straight up from the bed "Mom?" She turned but saw a familiar face standing with their hands clasped behind their back..

Hope's eyes watered "Mum?"

Kara offered her daughter a small smile "Hello."

Hope jumps from the bed but stops "You're not really here are you?"

Kara sighed sadly "No.. I cannot be." She whispered"However given the recent events and what lead you to such actions. I've reevaluated a few things." She walks around the room and noticed the paintings "You're becoming better, have you employed the techniques I told you about?"

Hope shuffled over to her painting corner "Mm.. doesn't really help though.. I'm still struggling to get the perfect shade.."

Kara reached out only to stop "If I had let your uncle Nik taken this part of the hollow I could have been there, seen you every weekend, taken you to the art galleries .. I could've done so much more.."

Hope bit her lip "why didn't .. why didn't you let him do it?"

Kara shook her head "You've heard the stories , while mine are not as widely known, your uncle was plenty of peoples boogeymen. There is a darkness  in him, one that would have become worse and worse with the hollows influence, being with Camille as he is now, he's changed, he laughs more, he smiles more, less intent on plotting a city wide massacre  .." she snorted "Besides what kind of parent would I be if I did not defend my firstborn?"

Hope wiped her tears "I just needed you to be here.. to hug me , to kiss my cheek on birthdays.. do you know that I've never spent a single birthday with you.?"

"The last birthday I spent with you was when you turned two.." Kara said regretfully "I never wished to cause you such pain Hope, I've always only wanted to keep you safe.."

Hope stared at her mum sadly "and I need more than some half version of you! I need you ! I've always needed you! But you're never there!"

"I am searching for a way for us to be together again. Seven years and I've never stopped, I want to be by your side, to pick you up when you are down .. but until this evil is done away with.. my hands are tied Hope."

Hope turned away from Kara and went to her bed "I'm tired." She mumbled despondently "You can go now."

Kara closed her eyes "I love you hope."

Hope snuggled deeper into her pillow , she didn't say it back when she turned her mum was gone and only then she sobbed into her pillow unawares of the boy sitting outside the door listening to her cries.

His own tears rolled down his cheeks hearing his sisters heartbreaking sobs.


"How did it go?" Freya asked staring at her sister.

Kara wiped away her tears "As well as can  be expected, my daughter will start to hate me the longer we're apart and maybe she has every right to, if I could've been selfish and left Niklaus to suffer this curse then I would be able to hold her.."

"And you never would have been able to live with the guilt knowing that klaus is suffering while you don't."

Kara went to respond but her eyes went to the plant in the finer "Unless that plant is gasping for air, another Mikaelson is in the City."

"Kol and Rebekah know to stay away from each other , Hope is in mystic falls.." Freya said

"Elijah, I thought I got rid of him when I ripped his heart from his chest and sent him on his way." She spat furiously.

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