Your natural state

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Present -Compound, Courtyard  May 2019
The compound stills with the challenge, the vampires stopped their fighting as all eyes falls to the two people in the middle .

Kara stares at Marcel, years of contempt bleeding through her eyes and she's eager on releasing..

Marcel similar to her, but instead of thinking about what he aims to do  the hybrid his minds swarms with 'How' he didn't have the white oak stake, his bite was nothing but a mosquito bite to her. He eyes the numerous vampires watching his move, his bold claim in defeating the mighty Kara Mikaelson will certainly be tested today.

Kara waits, despite every single nerve in body pulsing with the urge to destroy she staves it off, she wanted Marcel to know despair and while she would kill him she would be sure to pay back five years worth of humiliation too.

As if encouraged by a silent bell , Marcel uses his speed and attacks the woman, who takes his punches to the face he kicks her in her stomach sending her careening into the wall, a smirk covers his face , maybe it was just all a bluff and Kara was weakened by starvation and years of torture.

In the human sized hole in the wall , Kara lays covered in debris, despite the beating there's a smile on her face, perhaps her testing his abilities wasn't necessary at all. He was only a smidgen stronger than Lucien if memory served her right.

The roars in approval in support of Marcel reaches her and she pushes off the concrete and makes her way from her hole and laughs , the laugh sounds hoarse yet amused but to everyone else it sounds half deranged. Maybe she is , maybe she lost her mind..or that's what should be going their their minds and that was fine with her .

As she uselessly pats away the dust marring her filthy clothes she spies a pair of eerily familiar twins. She shook her head of course those two idiots would be here..

Despite her appearance she was happy to see them alive and well, covered in the blood of the vampires they've attacked. Most of the brotherhood she recognizes  too , it seems that they chose the perfect time to come to New Orleans.

"Is that all you've got Marcellus?" She asks looking back to serum enhanced vampire , she pouts "I expected more, or wasn't it you? Who took down the strongest hybrid in existence?" She mocks feigning a smile.

Rebekah watched tensely as her sister mocks the very man that caused them to be separated for five years, inwardly hoping Kara had what it took to beat Marcel.

Marcel grits his teeth in annoyance and frustration and speaks to his guys "Whoever lands a blow on Kara Mikaelson gets a daylight ring." He promisss.

Kara smirked "Sending your henchmen?" She asks "Not very kingly of you Marcellus." She taunts , the name angering him more and more. The night walkers interested in earning their rings jumps at the opportunity after all landing a blow was nothing or so they thought.

They attacked en masse , Kara took a deep breath before opening her eyes, In a flurry of movement, she rendered twenty of them headless. The action took no less than a minute, she stands before the last night walker who sees his companions headless on the ground ..

"Hello.." Kara slaps his head with force "And goodbye." His head flies off , his body drops to the ground, the severed head rolls all the way to Marcel and Kara raises a brow "Care to toss more fodder my way?"

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