The tale of two wolves I

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Abattoir attic

"Tell me there's a way to remove this magic Freya, please, I cannot lose her, I'll do anything." Kara begs her sister.

Freya gave her sister a shake of her head sadly, the pain in Kara's were greater than she ever witnessed "You can't, when the moon is at its apex and Hope turns.."

Kara roared angrily throwing a chair against the wall, the chair and its wood splintering , she fell to the ground "There has to be a way."

Freya was startled by the sudden action but closed her eyes , she knew her sister was struggling, she moved to Kara and kneeled down "If I use a spell it'll only contribute to the magic already flowing through hopes veins."

Kara squeezed eyes shut "So what? I do nothing? I stand by while she struggles and takes her last breath?"

"if we had a Siphoner witch in New Orleans it would be have been easier, they'd be siphoning the magic , the hollow from Hope—""

Kara eyes snapped up "a Siphoner?"

Freya nods "Yes. They'd be the best option since they don't have magic of their own,"

Hope's room

"So I killed a human last night?" Hope asked numbly

Hayley covered Hope's hand with her own "You did, it was an accident, you didn't mean it, but this means you've triggered your curse."

Hope laughed emotionlessly "God even killing vampires goes wrong."

Heinrik lingered in the corner of the room "mom won't all that magic be super bad?"

Hayley bit her trembling lip "It is." She confirmed

Hope realized what her mom was saying "I'm gonna die aren't I?"

"No" three voices spoke simultaneously. Kara entered Hope's room and stared her daughter straight in the eye "No, you will not die, so please vanish that morbid thought from your head." She glanced at Hayley "We're returning to mystic falls immediately" she kissed Hope's head "Get packed."

She didn't say anything more and went to her own room, she packed her and Hayley's clothes , blurring through the room, emptying of everything necessary.

"Why are we going back to mystic falls now? We should be here, Freya will find a way to stop .." Hayley doesn't finish her sentence.

Kara stops stuffing clothes in the case "She doesn't have a way, there's nothing she can do, according to her this is terminal, a binding spell would only kill her faster." Kara said emotionlessly "my siblings have become useless and pessimistic, I'll not expose my daughter , our daughter to that. The full moon is tomorrow night, we don't have much time."

Hayley grabbed Kara's hands "Tell me." She demanded

Kara turns to her wife "I'm not letting her die okay, I'll give up everything I am before I let our little girl die."

Hayley shakes her head in anger and frustration "So you're planning on what? Killing yourself? Are you listening to yourself."

Kara threw the back down "No, I have a plan, a good plan. Now please Hayley I need you to trust me, I know .. my actions last night led to this but please trust me when I say that I never wished for ..."

Hayley grabbed Kara's cheeks, before capturing her into a bruising kiss that left both of them breathless "You are many things Kara Mikaleson but you love our little girl, I never for one second believed you ever wanted her to come to harm. I know that, I do, but I don't want you to be reckless because if your plan includes dying, then I need you to reconsider it, because if this doesn't kill Hope, your death will." She said seriously, her green eyes burning bright.

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