What will I have left?

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"Oh and I know you had emo tendencies? But your music?" Hope joked when her phone rang in her pocket.

"First rule of being on the run, gotta get rid of anything that can track you Hope." Roman commented when he heard Hope's phone ringing.

Hope sighed pulling it out and noticed a picture of her mum and her as a baby flashing "It's my mum.." she murmured staring at the picture "She's going to have my head."

Roman took the phone from Hope's hand and tossed it out of the window "Well she can't if she can't find you?"

Hope glared "I could've just turned it off you know."

Roman shrugged feigning an apologetic smile, there's no way in hell he'd take a risk and lead Kara Mikaelson right to them, he was sure her rule on not killing kids wouldn't apply to a hundred year old vampire stuck as a teen. "better safe than sorry."

Outside Bonnie's house

"Not answering?" Bonnie asked sliding into the passenger seat.

Kara glared at the piece of technology in her hand "I never knew having a teenage daughter would give me grey hairs."

Bonnie laughed sarcastically "What? And you were the perfect teenager?"

Kara rolled her eyes and pushed the map to Bonnie "Well I certainly wasn't hiding my mother away to gain my step fathers attention." She remarked dryly "Do the spell I taught you, it'll lead us straight to Hayley's necklace."

Bonnie hummed "You can't blame her, from my understanding you've been MIA for a year and she's been missing her mum, I mean I wouldn't go that far but she's a kid, they're bound to make mistakes."

Kara sighed "I know that, and I'll never keep her shortcomings against her , but I wish she could just trust me when I say that I'll find Hayley , have I truly become that untrustworthy?"

Bonnie sighed sadly "Come on, let's focus on finding your wife, then getting your daughter , because you know, one of them are in mortal peril and the other is taking a joyride with a guy they like."

Kara's jaw tensed "I'll rip his heart from his chest."

Bonnie smirked but started chanting in an old forgotten tongue, it wasn't one she knew but after a few more tries she managed to get it down .. "okay, as soon as we out of town , take the highway.." she directed "Also ever going to tell me what language that was?"

Kara kept her eyes on the road "A language used by the gods." She said earning an incredulous look from the Bennett witch.

"If you didn't want to tell me, you should've said so, instead of making up some crazy lie." Bonnie scoffed

Kara chuckled softly, vaguely amused "Why does that surprise you? Do you truly believe there are no celestial beings?"

Bonnie shrugged "I mean, I believe in what I can see, I was never the most religious especially being a witch. We don't really have a good relationship with religious people in general."

Kara hummed "That's Christians, and humans are fearful of things they don't understand, they'll pray to gods but are happy when they remain unseen, invisible but the moment they're confronted with the unknown, they fear, the judge and they leap from rational to irrational immediately."

"Take your next left." Bonnie said "Okay, let's say gods do exist? Which ones ? Are we talking one singular god? Angels ? Demons? Baby Jesus?"

Kara snorted as she took the left onto the highway, speaking about this at least offered some distraction from possible torture her wife was enduring, if she focused solely in that, she'd eviscerate the car and everyone in it "Many of those stories are exaggerated and no, there aren't angels. Demons yes, angels not quite in what you believe. More like warriors, and all of them are females, going by the name valkyries , the guardians of the Valhalla."

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