Battle of survival

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Kara's eyes glowed brighter as she stares at the clone, hands alight with flames. Her magic was now at full disposal of the demon like creature and Kara was somewhat happy that her magic was never as strong as Frigga's.

Aware that Caroline and Alaric had yet to move the children, her eyes however, remain on the demon before her, it's eyes are as cold and pitiless as a midnight sun, the hollow stares back in nuclear silence.

Kara snarls , before jumping and blurs at superhuman speed, swinging down her halberd intent on beheading the demon, instead her halberd gets caught with flames hand, mid air , she twists her body, dodging the flame heated punch coming her way and in a fantastic show of acrobatics , manages to land a kick to the hollows temple, making its grip loosen on her weapon, careening against the invisible barrier, kara dropped to the ground steadily , a smirk twitching at her lips "combat is not something you excel at is it?"

The hollow sneers, growling furiously, before flicking its wrist, a wave of debilitating pain slams right into the reincarnated god, making her stagger back.

"Magic is ." The hollow sneers , clenching its fist, with the action, it feels as if someone has a hand over the reincarnated gods brain and squeezing it painfully.

Kara groans but withholds the scream wanting to free from her throat. She steadies her stance, heaving a deep breath, allowing more of her true power to flow through her veins, it felt as if she was merely opening a tap, letting the power drip into a well.

On the side lines, Heinrik clenched his fists in worry, the blood dripping from his mums nose, worries him, knowing she must be a immense pain "come on mum, beat its ass." He mutters in encouragement and worry.

Alaric eyes Caroline "we should take the girls in." He looks to the sky "we don't know.."

Josie ignores her father and goes to stand closer for Heinrik, taking his hand and squeezed it in support, she wasn't quite sure what the hollow meant by kara Mikaelson being a god but she knows Heinrik would have told her if he could.

Kara leaps twenty feet in the air surprising the hollow, in the air, it's as if she hovers for a moment, which she does, she spins Longinus in and arc, she may no longer have magic, but before she was the god of law, justice and honor.. she was the god of war. With a guttural roar, Longinus shoots a yellow/orange beam of concentrated energy which knocks the hollow right into the chest disrupting the spell at work. She lands on her feet not allowing the hollow to gain momentum or regain its balance. Unlike before the hollow makes a move to blast Longinus from her hand, skidding a few feet away, kara doesn't falter.

Faster than the bystanders beside Caroline can follow the two bursts into a furious fight of fists, and kicks, the hollow making use of elemental magic , while kara counters easily, by redirecting said magic as much as she could.

One blow of wind and fire slams kara into her chest plate darkening the bright gold of it.

Kara's eyes glows , she holds out her hand in Longinus direction, the weapon shooting straight to her hand, "Second form." Longinus changes immediately, from its halberd into a metallic golden quarter staff. With it, she twists around slamming the end into the hollows face, breaking its nose, blood gushes from the nose , but kara doesn't stop, she kicks the hollow straight in the gut, "Third form." She murmurs , the weapon easily transforms from quarter staff into a ball and chain, the spiked ball, slams into the clones chest, sending it skidding back.

The hollow grits , grunts and groans in pain. Kara stands over the hollow, staring at it, her temper rising as her power does, she doesn't see the earth starting to raise around her but the hollow does, it knows it needs to put the god out of its misery, their eyes finds the spectators and smirks, it jumps to its feet and tries to disrupt the barrier but finds it impossible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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