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Kara, Rebekah and Davina landed at port Angeles, Rebekah giddy with excitement, Davina nervous while Kara had been lost in her own thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Rebekah asks as she takes the drivers seat of the hired SUV

Kara turned her eyes from the window "It's been five years." She says quietly "I'm afraid my daughter wouldn't even recognize me.. and my son.. well he's never met me, I'm not entirely sure what I should feel."

Davina in the back remains quiet , it wasn't her place to speak

Rebekah smiled sadly clasped her sisters hand with her own "Hey, it's been five years but it's not as if you stayed away because you wanted to..they'll understand.."

Kara managed a weak smile "okay.."

Rebekah nods and starts the car up, the drive from port Angeles to Fork wasn't long , entering the sleepy town Kara chuckled at the low populations, it was the perfect place to stay low, barely any traffic and new faces.

"I'm surprised you chose this place." Rebekah spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I didn't, I bought a few homes in a few towns, this one just happened to be one of them. Marcus most likely chose it because it's one of the last places marcels lackies would've assumed to look. Possibly believed Hayley fled overseas." Kara explains "But it's nice.. the scenery and Hayley does like forested areas, easier to run as a wolf." She adds on with a nostalgic smile.

"That's sweet." Davina spoke up.

Kara smiled "Perhaps, it's something we both enjoy, one day maybe our children will experience it too."

Rebekah pulls down a small dirt road getting them off the highway "well it's certainly a good place to raise a family." Rebekah added "it's nice and remote, I don't think any of these people knows who we are."

Kara nods "Yes, forks is rather cut off ." But she noticeably tenses as the large glass home comes into view, she's never been here before but she's seen the pictures. She notices another SUV standing just outside the double garage and their arrival isn't met without anyone noticing.

The tyres scrunched on the gravel pathway, the soft engines purr and as she expected the porch was soon filled with her siblings. When the car pulls to a stop, they haven't seen her or Davina yet because eof the tinted windows and hears their trepidation. But Rebekah jumps from the drivers seat soothing their worries , Kara decides that's her cue and she opens the passenger side and steps out. Now in a black jeans, a white blouse and black leather jacket, her white, silvery locks smoothed in layered curls..

When they see her, their eyes widened, obviously she looks different from when they saw her last but she was sure not that different. A small smile curled up on her lips.

"Family." She greets her British accent bleeding through.

"Kara!" Kol says in surprise

Kara smirks and opens the back door "And Davina." She winked at her younger brother when the younger witch gets out immediately taken into Kol's arms , he spins her around before planting a kiss to her lips.

Kara watches on fondly but someone takes her attention, she turns just in time to catch the blur running at her. Hayley wrapped her legs around her waist sobbing into her neck, Kara's own eyes filling with tears sinking into the embrace..

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