Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea II

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The abattoir

Kara grabbed her jacket ready to leave when Josh came inside

"Okay, uh tell me you didn't go all hellfire on a vampire?" Josh asked somewhat desperately

Kara narrowed her eyes "I don't have time for this, I need to get to mystic falls and stop my daughter from making a massive mistake."

Josh sighed "Okay, well I've got a missing vamp and a faction of vampires calling for blood,They think a wolf did it for revenge against Henry's death."

Kara scoffed "Tell them, I did it. He delivered a piece of my wife's skin, she's been mutilated, I wanted answers , turns out he was a newly turned vampire and didn't know what he was transporting, in other words a waste of my time,But I did manage to gleam into his head and see who turned him." She said turning to leave "Question Greta, she seems to have a grudge against hybrids and if that's so, then she could have played a part in my wife's kidnapping."

Josh took in the information "Okay, okay, if she pleads innocent or refuses to talk?"

Kara narrowed her eyes "get creative, now it's a seven hour drives that I need to do in five. Get answers just imagine this. If I'm not able to find Hayley by tomorrow, and I turn to my siblings for help. Just two Mikaelsons being in close proximity made it rain blood, would you like to take a gander at what all four of us will do being in the same city at the same time?"

Josh visibly scared of the possibilities , nodded sharply "Alright, I find anything I'll let you know."

Kara simply nodded "Good man, now, Joshua you've been doing an incredible job as leading the vampires, they respect you, and use the connections you've made over the years. This faction of extremists are just a passing fad. No one wishes to end seven years of real peace because some bitch has a stick up their arse."

Josh snorted "Yeah, you're right. Okay, go save your daughter and I'll play inspector gadget here."

Kara smirked "Give em' hell."

Mystic falls
Salvatore school

Heinrik thought long and hard about how best to stall for time but he decided in the end to just go for general chaos , general chaos he dragged Josie and MG into.

"Okay so you know the plan right?" He said looking to his two accomplices, only one truly knew the aim of today but the vampire was completely oblivious to the actual reason.

"Yeah, I stall Hope, by uh what was it again?" MG asked

Heinrik rolled his eyes, sometimes he really wondered about some of the students attending the school, he was eleven and yet he had the brain of an adult but these kids.. "Ugh, question her on the change between their renaissance period, the affect it had on the art and so forth. Once she gets started , she won't stop." Heinrik said partially annoyed "You're a vampire mate! Remember it."

MG muttered "yeah he ah, it's would be so easier if I could distract her one which universe she preferred Marvel Or Dc"

Josie patted his back in comfort "I mean I could do it?" She offered tentatively.

Heinrik laughed "Josie I love you, you're my best buddy, but you can barely say two words in my sisters presence, you're an awkward bean, and that's fine, but uh not suitable for this mission."

Josie pouted "Fine, just know that I regret telling you both about my crush."

Mg and Heinrik snickered "Uh huh, not that difficult to figure out when you're making moon eyes at hopey." Heinrik giggled.

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