Chapter 2

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The Organization

(It's my birthday today so y'all get two chapters instead of one ;) )

Ironically, you called the kitty "Oreo", despite his orange fur. Once you got back home, you immediately gave him a warm bath, and he constantly meowed at how pleasant the water was. Next, you checked and removed eventual fleas, and booked an appointment for a visit to the vet in four days from then: Oreo looked healthy and lively enough, but you still wanted to check him up, just to be sure. Afterwards, you quickly got out again and bought a heating pad, baby bottles for kitties and all the necessary for a cat to live in your house.

And now it was more or less 10 p.m, and you comfortably sat down on the couch with Oreo by your side: he was sitting down on the heating pad you turned on, and that seemed enough to heat him up for the time being. You were watching tv - a romance movie of some sort, where there were two enemies scientists who lately fell in love - and ended up crying in the middle of the movie, given how sad it was becoming. Oreo, who was previously sleeping on the heating pad, woke up to the sound of your cries, and started meowing.

(A/N: I wonder how many of my old readers caught the reference)

"Oh my gosh, did I wake you up?" you cried when you picked him up and hugged him gently to keep him warm. As an answer, he kept meowing, and stared intensely at your tears.

"My tears? It's due to this, Oreo!" you complained, and pointed at the tv, even though he clearly couldn't understand you "People must be truly sadist to create something so heartbreaking!"

You were obviously exaggerating, but you know what they say: you only live once, so you should live your life to the fullest. You should not be afraid to exaggerate.

You stared at the screen with eyes that could quite literally be called two fountains, while Oreo stared at you dumbfoundedly.

"You'll get it someday, Oreo, you'll get it someday" you blurted out as you started feeling a little bit tired: were you actually going to cry yourself to sleep?

And before you could realise it, you fell asleep there and then on the couch, with Oreo enveloped in your hands.


The sound of your phone notifications woke you up. Groggily, you opened one eyes and then the other, and recognised the living room: you didn't even have the strenght to go to sleep in your own bedroom, did you?

You felt something weighing on your hands, and noticed Oreo's sleeping figure: how cute he was! He literally looked like a ball of fur, and you suddenly felt the urge to tickle him.

However, you didn't want to disturb him, so you decided to check your phone, to see who wanted to ruin your beauty sleep.

But when you saw the notifications, the smile on your face immediately vanished and turned into a deadly grimace.

Chief: Monarch Butterfly, your presence is highly required at the Peak today. Please find yourself in front of the Peak at 12 p.m. Until then, Justice shall be ours.

Your face never ever made such a frightened expression, especially when you acknowledged what hour it was: it was 11:15 a.m.

And it usually took you a good half an hour to reach the Organization.

You immediately stood up and inevitably woke up Oreo, who meowed at you, complaining.

"Oh Oreo, I'm so sorry! I'll heat you up some milk as an excuse, sounds fair?"

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