Chapter 18

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Devour me all you want

"Something on your mind?"

When you entered the void, that night, you weren't feeling very talkative. And of course, how could you be?

After all, you were with a man for whom you didn't know what you were feeling.


Someone could say that you needed more time to know a person enough to fall in love with them, but the truth was...even if you had known him for two/three months at this point, it was as if you had known him for eternity.

Plus, you know that feeling you have when you meet a person that will be significant in your life? That was what you were feeling for him.

But was what you were feeling for him actually love?

(A/N: Denial is a river in Egypt)

It was as if you could not accept it: ever since you entered the Organisation, you had come to the conclusion that if you had fallen in love with someone, that it would have been a brief relationship. Despite your skills, just like you told Sly Fox that day a year before, you were the one with the highest possibility of dying while working, and you didn't want to leave a beloved one alone.

But could you say you were still part of the Organisation now, hence that you had to respect the law you forced yourself to obey?

Everything was so sudden, but even so...what you were feeling felt so natural. And that's what was scaring you: this was the first time you ever felt something like this for someone...

"I'm just...scared about something" you admitted: it wasn't actually a lie, was it?

He didn't immediately reply: you didn't look up, but you knew that he was probably observing you. You felt it on your skin.

After a while, he sat down next to you.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Oh, I wish I could, but you're exactly the reason why I'm scared. Thankfully he has promised not to read my mind, otherwise I would be in a big trouble to explain and to sort my way out from, you thought.

"I...there's something that I quite can't acknowledge yet: something that goes over my powers. A thought that has insinuated my mind, and I can't get rid of it now"

...not that I actually want to get rid of it though, you also thought. Subconsciously.

He waited for some seconds before answering...weird, he was taking his time lately to answer you. Was he perhaps tired?

"Is it like an intrusive thought?"

"No, no actually...I's just a feeling, and I've never felt anything like this before. I just can't decipher it yet"

He pondered again for some time.

"I think I get it. Is it like something when people don't realise at first that they're in love?"

You had to immediately block your face from showing any emotions: as a response, your heart painfully skipped a beat.

No way.

No way he could have done that, after he promised.

Had he read your mind, hence broke his promise, and thought that you were in love with him?

"I...I don't know. I've never been in love with someone" you tried to sort your way out. You then peeked with the corner of your eyes and glanced at his face: he looked calm, although...there was a light hint of pain on it. Why would there be such thing on his handsome face?

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