Chapter 33

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Hypnotic Poison

"Hey, Gecko, please wake up!" you begged as you placed his head on your knees: he was still alive, but had a horrible wound in his chest, which was progressively bleeding more and more.

Your breath became herratic, as you didn't know what to do. The only thing you could do was to look at Sans, with a small pant.

"Go and search for Gaster...if he's not fighting, tell him to come here! Hurry!" you told the young skeleton as your hands quickly got dirty with your colleague's - and surprisingly helper's - blood.

Sans nodded, and ran away to search for his father. In the meantime, you still had your gaze on Cold Gecko, who had also weakly locked eye contact with you.

He didn't look like he was in good conditions.


"...hi, Y/N" he said, coughing some blood, which you tried to clean, but vaim.

You had a horrible feeling of déjà-vu: it felt just like with Sean, but this time, you didn't know how or what to feel. For Sean, you had cried the death of a dear friend, but for Cold Gecko?

"...I'm sorry, Y/N-" he tried to say, but ended up coughing more.

"Hey, don't talk, you'll only make things worse" you tried to calm him down as you caressed his hair. He looked up at you, with teary eyes.

He wanted to say something, but it was too tiresome for him to talk.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't want you to see me like this"

"Hey, what on Earth are you blabbering about? Please..." you said with a hint of sadness in your eyes.

"I didn't want you of all people to see me like this" he repeated his words, as he panted for a second.

You placed a hand on his chest, to feel his heartbeat: it was beating quickly.

"Hey, I told you to calm down, or else you're gonna die!"

"...I think we both know it's going to be my destiny anyway" he commented. " why I need to tell you everything I must reveal, before I go away"

Your breath was cut off by this last sentence of his, as you returned to look into his eyes.

"...what?" you asked him.

A tear fell down from his eye.

"...I was the one that freed you back then, in Sly Fox's floor"

Your breath was directly stolen at this point, as you felt something break within your own soul.

"You freed me?"

He nodded. "I wanted you to be able to run away on your own...although I had imagined that your Monster allies would have come to save you. It was the main reason why there were no more guards in Sly Fox's floor...: they were already busy blocking the Monsters' attacks"

He raised a hand covered in blood, and gently caressed your cheek, which surprised you at first, as his chest went up and down quite slowly. And the sight made your soul tremble.

"I have also two confessions to do...the reason why Monsters aren't able to use their magic here is because of me. Over these last months, I have learned everything that there is to know about magic, and created a magic shield. But do not worry, Monarch Butterfly...I have made sure to partially deactivate it on my way here. And it will be fully soon as you turn on the self-destruction device"

"And the second confession, well..." he began speaking, more and more weakly. "Over the last few months, we had managed to discover the exact location of the Monsters' hiding spot, and discovered that it was a fractional dimension as, the operation didn't really begin when the Monsters were attacked: it began a lot before. I...I was instructed to plan a shield that would cover the whole dimension, and at the same time, that would weaken the Monsters' magic and transfer it here.

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