Chapter 23

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"My apologies, but...who are you?"


You were left breathless.

Everything around you suddenly lost its sound: the only thing you could hear was the sound of your loud and pumping heartbeat in your ears.

You blinked your eyes once, then twice, then thrice, but the sight of a confused Gaster couldn't - and wouldn't - leave your sight.

You slowly gulped down: trying to swallow a now ever growing knot in your throat was becoming something unbearable to do.

"...haha...Gaster, this isn't funny. Please stop joking around like this"

You expected that he would smirk and then grab you and pull you in a hug, telling how much he missed you and how he needed to stay by your side.

But his confused expression wouldn't leave his face.

"I'm sorry, but I still can't recognise you. Have we met before?" he asked.

The fact that he asked this so calmly was making you incredibly nervous.

You subconsciously brought a hand on your chest.

"...Gaster, it's me, Y/N! The girl you met in the void all those nights ago! Come on, you surely remember me, do you? couldn't have forgotten about our time together in the void, have you...?"

His confused expression remained, but this time, his eyebrows lightly frowned.

He was unable to remember.

Your breath was becoming heavier.

"Come on, Gaster...!" you told him, as your voice started to break down more and more: you were starting to feel anxious, the walls around you seemed so suffocating and you couldn't think clearly.

In that moment, someone opened the door behind you: you looked, and it was Sans, who looked the calmest you had ever seen him.

"hey y/n, hey dad"

Gaster smiled in that moment, seeing Sans entering the room.

"Hello, my dear son"

You immediately turned your head to look at Gaster, after he said those words: you couldn't believe it.

He couldn't remember you but he could remember Sans.

The anxiety in your head started growing.

Sans walked towards the two of you, still calmly as possible.

"i'm sorry to interrupt your moment together, but i wanted to check that you were both fine"

However, when Sans approached you and looked at your face, his calm expression vanished instantly, only to be replaced by an astonished and slightly worried one.

"y/n...what's the matter?" he asked.

Your trembling mouth slightly opened, trying to answer to him: the knot in your throat was becoming more and more painful.

"He...he doesn't remember me..." you replied, unable to stare at anything but Gaster.

He simply stood there, sitting on the bed with puzzled eyes.

Eyes that were meeting yours.

You subconsciously closed your hands in two fists.

"...Gaster, why won't you remember?! Have you seriously forgotten? All the nights we spent together? All the sweet words we shared? Didn't we promise each other that we would have gone to see the night sky as soon as we managed to save you from the void?!" you almost shouted.

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now