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A New Life

Gaster held your hand tightly as you all watched Sean's grave slowly discend into the ground, where he would finally have his resting place for eternity.

Rain was pouring from the sky and hitting your black umbrellas, as if it was participating in your grief. As if the world too was crying Sean's departure into the afterworld.

You were sad, but you were certain that he was in a happier place.

He himself told you so.

Being in the once-active-Organisation, all of you agents weren't really allowed to have many friends, in all honesty: you were still spies, and whatever life you had before joining the Organisation, you could consider it as non-existent. And so, the only people that were there at Sean's funeral were just you, Gaster, Sans, Frisk and all my Monster friends.

But of Sean's girlfriend, as he had mentioned, no trace.

You would have checked once at home: Sean did tell you that she lived right above your floor in the same building, so it wouldn't have been a difficult matter to find her.

You wondered if he had ever told her about his true life.

You came back to reality from your thoughts as soon as you noticed everyone throwing roses gently at his tomb, where they would have filled it with dirt and where the grass would have grown, kinda like a symbol of rebirth.

You couldn't help but bite your lip and contain some tears as you also threw your rose, giving your final goodbye to the only real friend you had in the Organisation.

Goodbye, Sean.

Gaster noticed the sadness accumulating in your soul as you looked down, and so pulled you closer, burying your face on his shoulder so that you would have a safe place to cry on, under the protection of the umbrella.

"I'm here, my dear. I'm here"

You couldn't bear the pain anymore.

You started crying on his shoulder, as he rubbed yours to comfort you while with his other hand he held the umbrella.

Bye, Sean.

Until you meet again.


"You're not entering?" Gaster asked you, as he held the door of your apartment.

Ever since the Human Government finally agreed to welcome Monsters among them and live in peace, thanks to Frisk's diplomacy, Gaster moved in your apartment whereas the two brothers found an apartment in an area towards the historic centre - Sans promised to make sure along with Alphys that Papyrus and Undyne wouldn't have destroyed the city with their energy.

You shook your head, as you sniffed slightly with your red nose after that vent you had at the funeral.

"I'm fine. I just need to make one thing. I'll be back here in no time, love" you reassured him, and he smiled tenderly, feeling that your heart was much more comforted now.

"Alright, my dear. I'll wait for you here with a cup of tea"

You giggled. "Thank youuu" you said sending him a kiss, and with a last caring laugh you started walking towards the lower floor.

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now