Chapter 28

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As soon as you spoke and said your (former?) colleague's name, both Sans and Gaster's attention revolved around you.

"Sean? You know this guy?" Gaster asked you calmly, holding your hand.

You didn't answer though: your eyes were fixated on Sean. On Vampire Bat. He also hadn't stopped looking at you the whole time, heavily breathing.

On one hand, he looked extremely confused, probably wondering why you were associated with monsters, but at the same time, he probably did not care, or at least for the moment being: he just wanted to get this over with, and be freed as soon as possible.

But you were standing still, simply looking at him with shocked eyes.

Sean wasn't the only one looking at you though: Sans was also observing you, examining your reactions and your body language, and probably trying to decipher your thoughts. He looked at you firstly, then at Sean, and then at you again before he could look at Sean once again and grit his teeth.

"well, whatever. what should we do with you now, hm?" Sans asked as he kneeled down and grabbed Sean by his hair, raising his head and making your colleague look at him. As an answer, Sean just glared at Sans.

In that moment, Gaster left your hand, which called you back to reality as you now stopped looking at Sean and started looking at the man you loved: he walked towards Sans and Sean and kneeled down as well, examining Sean with a cold look.

You had told Gaster everything about the Organisation when you told him about his lost memories, so he knew who Sean was.

He moved a hand and removed the tissue from Sean's mouth, allowing him to talk: as soon as he did so, Sean started panting and recollecting his breath, glaring at Gaster.

"Let me go, you monsters!"

"if i recall correctly, you were inspecting the borders of our fractional dimension and sending everything to the organisation, weren't you?" Sans threatened him as his grip on Sean's hair intensified.

Oh no, does this mean that the Organisation now knows where the monsters are hiding?

As if he had read my mind, Sans looked at me.

"don't worry butterfly, i managed to destroy his equipment before he could actually inform the organisation"

At that point, Sean looked at you again, even more alarmed than before.

"Butterfly? Y/N, are you on their side now?" he asks with a shocked voice as he desperately tries to free himself, but fails.

But you couldn't manage to utter a single word: up until now, you actually thought that you could lead a normal life...that you had found your new place. That a new chapter of your life had started.

But the past always comes back to haunt you.

Gaster now started to look at you as well, but in a calm way: he had understood how confused you were feeling, and the shock that the situation had caused you.

Seeing that you were silent, Sean seemingly became angrier.

"Y/N, answer me!"

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