Chapter 31

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What now?

"No! Go back, we can't leave Frisk in that man's hands!" you screamed while you tried to free yourself from Gaster's grip, who had wrapped his arms around your waist the moment you tried to open the elevator's doors while it was still going upwards.

"Y/N, you can't seriously open an elevator while it's still going! What are you trying to do, jump down and die in the attempt to get Frisk back?! Have I saved you for nothing?"

"But we can't leave Frisk!" you told him back as rage was fueling through your veins: if someone gave you the ability to tear away the Peacock's face with just your bare hands, then you sure would have used that ability.

You were afraid that Frisk could receive the same treatment you received by Sly Fox: it was one thing if you were the one to receive it, being a spy and an adult, but Frisk...they were just a kid.

In that moment, Gaster turned you around so that you still could be wrapped in his arms, but facing him. He wanted you to meet his eyes to calm down.

"We're gonna get them back as soon as possible, I promise you. But for the moment being, I need to get you outside"

"Would you act like this if Sans or Papyrus were the ones down there?!"

A faint light of dismay passed by his eyes, but he quickly banished it and shook his head.

He pulled you closer, and your faces got increasingly nearer.

"I promise you that we're gonna get Frisk back. Nothing is gonna happen to them: they are too precious to be tortured or killed, okay? They are the Ambassador of Monsters, and the Organisation can't risk hurting them. The mission was to save you firstly. As soon as I get you outside, we'll get Frisk back"

You were too furious to listen to him, but you couldn't do much, unfortunately. Acknowledging your rage, looking hesitant at first, he pulled you towards him and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug, as he caressed the back of your head while also resting his chin on the top of your head.

"Nothing is gonna happen to them: we won't let them hurt Frisk, alright?"

Although his voice sounded calm and reassuring, you couldn't manage to put your mind at ease. Your eyes were wide open with rage, and you couldn't wait to return inside and bring hell to the Organisation.

The elevator finally opened, but instead of stepping out, Gaster teleported with you just in that moment. Why then, of all times?
When you opened your eyes again, you were in an isolated, narrow road between two buildings. You looked around yourself, but you couldn't recognise anything: that was the first time you had been there.

"Gaster, where did you bring us?" you asked, and just in that moment, a trapdoor near your feet opened making you gasp, but you calmed down as soon as you saw Alphys, safe and sound.

"Thank God you are alive, quick, enter!" she told the two of you before disappearing again in the darkness of that space. Gaster entered before you, so that he could lend you a hand to help you climb down the stairs. That gesture was enough to make you temporarily forget the fury in your body, and you gladly grabbed his warm hand, as he gently pulled you inside.

You closed the trapdoor, and noticed that there were many Monsters, all gathered in one place: Undyne was talking, all serious, with Asgore, while Toriel was running from one Monster to the other to heal wounds caused by the members of the Organisation.

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now