Chapter 30

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The mysterious benefactor

Some time ago, in the past

You grabbed the rifle on the table in the training room, and walked at least a hundred meters away from the bullseye. You raised it, and aimed - or at least tried to - at the center of the bullseye.

Ever since you got your new job at the Organisation, the Peacock wanted you to train everyday before being sent out to a real mission: hence, you had to learn how to shoot at least with a different range of weapons, how to use a knife etc. Said you had a particular potential for that job, or sort of.

You pulled the trigger, and the bullet was shot across the space hitting, with much of your bad luck and displeasure, a spot a few circles away from the center of the bullseye.

"Shit" you mumbled as you loaded the rifle and prepared yourself to aim again.


You felt a change in the air.

You were about to shoot at the bullseye when suddenly, you turned around at light's speed and aimed the rifle at something else.

"Woah there! Hey, put that down, will you?"

You found in front of yourself the same guy that brought you to the Organisation. His codename was Vampire Bat...was it?

He was standing there with a surprised face - revealing an ounce of fear actually, you were pointing a rifle at him after all - with his hands in the air, showing that he wasn't holding any weapons.

What could he possibly be doing here?

You chuckled with a smirk and put the weapon down, and as soon as you did so, the guy let out a sigh of relief.

"Careful, if you were to scare me I could easily hit you with this jewel" you told him.

"Like you hit the center of the bullseye?"

Your grip on the rifle intensified.

"Alright alright, I am simply joking" he shrugged his shoulders while you glared at him "I know that this sort of things requires practice, I won't slander you furthermore"

You better won't, you thought.

You turned around again towards the bullseye and raised your arms again to aim.

"May I ask why are you here, pestering me?" you asked without removing your gaze from the bullseye, as you kept aiming but hesitated to shoot. As you waited for him to answer.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here for a stroll" he replied, which immediately made you put down once again your rifle to look at him with an incredule face.

"Do you seriously expect that I would buy that?" you answered "All the times that I talked to you - which, come to think of it, it's just one - it wasn't for something good: you kidnapped me here"

"Kidnapped you to the same place that you accepted to work for" he said.

"You could have just showed me the front door in that case" you said as, this time, you actually raised your rifle once more, aimed and shot. However, once again, you missed, but at least the bullet reached near the center of the bullseye.

The guy behind you whistled.

"Not bad actually"

You groaned.

"It's still not perfect. I need to improve my technique if I want the Peacock to send me to missions. As of now, I'm merely useless for a killer or a spy"

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