Chapter 32

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The Final Battle

You and Gaster were hiding a few buildings away from the Organisation: just like inside the building underground, there were multiple cameras outside as well. Luckily, you knew all their locations so you knew where to hide, but just to be sure, you also made sure that the Peacock hadn't added new ones.

You observed the road where people were wandering calmly, unaware of what was going to happen some meters under their feet, and then turned to face your lover.

"Are you ready?" you asked.

Gaster nodded, rolling up his sleeves. In more or less thirty minutes, Sans and the others should have also reached you, but they would have only helped you as soon as you would grant them safety while entering.

"The Organisation has managed to block our magic powers, but only our most powerful tricks. I did manage to heal you after all, so I have no doubt that this trick will work as well, for that planned amount of time"

The plan was to make you invisible to the cameras for at least thirty minutes, so that you could enter inside and modify the cameras so that they wouldn't record the Monsters. Not to be seen by Humans around, they would become invisible as well until they actually descended until reaching you, to go downwards to rescue Frisk.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to come along?" he asked you.

"Don't worry, I'll be perfectly fine: plus, you need to stay here to make everyone invisible later on. Pay attention to that camera over there" you said, pointing at a camera at the end of the road that could not record you "as soon as it shakes, do your trick and reach me in the first room of the third floor, where the security office is"

It was an important task: if you had managed to succeed, the Monsters would have entered calmly in the Organisation, and you would have had better chances at fighting your old boss and colleagues. After all, the security office showed every footage in the Peacock's office, on the last floor.

You took a deep breath, and looked at your lover with ready eyes.

"Alright, I'm ready" you told Gaster. He smiled, and proceeded to raise a hand: and just as you imagined, he snapped his fingers.

You looked at yourself, but you still could see your whole body in all its colours.

"Gaster, it didn't work"

"Relax, it did work: I never said that the trick could make you invisible to yourself. It only works with others. In fact, I can't quite literally see where you are" he informed you quite calmly, still looking in front of himself, and hence at you: he must have imagined that you did not move.

Stealthily, just to check, you moved around him: he didn't turn his face to look at you as you walked. Huh, it really did work!

"Alright, I'm going" you told him: now that you were invisible, you had exactly thirty minutes to go to the security office and modify the cameras so that they wouldn't notice the Monsters inside. Unfortunately, with that sort of magic barrier, you had to predict that they wouldn't have been able to become invisible inside for long enough.

Before you could really go, you approached Gaster and kissed him: he was initially startled, unable to see you, but he smiled and replied to the kiss.

"I love you" he said, before you finally started walking with firm steps towards the Organisation. You reached the building above, the one that unconsciously hid your previous workplace underground, and waited for a man to enter so that you could enter along: to confuse the cameras, it was better not to open a door while invisible. It would have been quite suspicious, now wouldn't it?

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