Chapter 9

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Second impression

"My dear, what's that sad look on your face? Did you perhaps miss me that much?" Gaster joked to tease you. However, just as he stated, it was true that there wasn't a happy look on your face.

Just as you appeared in the dimension, you heard those words, knowing already who they belonged to.

But you weren't in the mood for jokes.

The dream had just finished, and instead of waking up in the real life, you "woke up" in the void, only to hear that smartass' soothing voice.

You turned around and met his gaze, puzzling as always.

Afterwards, you faintly groaned and sat down on the ground. Well, "sat": since the laws of physics apparently didn't exist there, you tried to sit down although there wasn't a chair there, and even so, you successfully managed to do so. You were sitting on nothing, but that was a matter of the void.

Gaster followed your every move with pure curiousity in his eyes. He probably had this habit because he used to be a scientist, didn't he? Even so, his gaze was different than the ones you used to see on tv on scientists' faces.

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood for jokes" you told him, as if he didn't know it already.

He simply raised a brow, as if he had just received a result from an experiment: he laid his eyes on you, without ever moving them, while you kept being gloomy.

Looks like the flame inside of her has been partially extinguished, he thought while he - with much of your surprise - suddenly sat down next to you, his black long vest becoming one with the void. You looked at him: he met your eyes as well, and right after drowning in yours for a second he smiled.

"Is it because they think you're just a murderer?"

You slightly gasped.

"How did you kno-" you started asking, but cut yourself off as you remembered that yeah, he was like some sort of omnipotent god who could discover everything if he ever wanted.

An omnipotent god who couldn't get out of that prison.

In fact, the curves of his mouth went upwards, clearly understanding what you wanted to say initially.

"So? Am I wrong or not?"

You blinked your eyes quickly a few times, and then looked away from him, to avoid eye contact: he was totally right - as always, after all.

"...yeah" you simply replied with a low volume of voice, as if you were afraid that someone else could hear and peek on the two of you. And by someone, we mean someone from the Organisation.

You quickly glanced at him, but then immediately moved away your gaze from him once you realised that he was still looking at you. And somehow, your cheeks became fuzzy afterwards.

"I...I don't know what is happening to me. I thought that protecting Humans the way I did was sufficient to make me happy enough, but...once I met the Monsters...something has changed, and...oh my god, I think I might go crazy, if I'm not already crazy"

You couldn't know this, but his eyesockets had almost imperceptibly widened as he heard your words.

"And do you have any idea as for why something has changed just now?"


You actually had no words, really. Or perhaps you simply didn't want to admit what you had already understood. As you thought, you grew nervous, unable to find the exact words for what you were thinking.

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now