Chapter 4

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"It sucks, doesn't it?"

You opened your eyes in a rush to the sound of a deep voice, only to find yourself standing in the darkness: there was literally nothing, it wasn't tridimensional like the real world.

Where were you? Your consciousness?

Moreover, did you just hear a voice, in that void of a place...? You glanced around yourself, but you couldn't find anybody.

"Are you curious about where I am, human?" the voice asked again, and this time, you clearly felt a movement in the "air" at your side. Something was lurking in the shadows, and it certainly wasn't calming you the slightest.

Come on Y/N, nerves of steel as always, you told yourself as you slowly inhaled, trying not to heavy breathe. You closed your eyes to feel more ready, and reopened them. And yet, there was still nothing.

Until you felt a noise behind you. You turned around and were met by a cloud of white smoke, surrounding...a person. You couldn't yet see their face, but you could see that they were wearing a black coat, just like you (and you couldn't help but feel like this person had taste) and two white hands like the snow. However...they clearly weren't human hands.

Because they both had a hole on their palm, and no human could ever have hands like those. Hence, there was only a possible explanation: you were facing a monster.

And just as you realised this, the cloud of smoke dissipated, revealing the person's face: white like snow with two empty dark eyesockets, filled only by two white dots, supposedly the eyes. On both of his eyes there was a crack, one going upwards and the other going downwards.

A skeleton. A Monster.

Why were you together with a monster, all of a sudden? Had he entered your dreams without your consent?

"Who are you-" you tried to ask, but all of a sudden, the monster disappeared in the ground as if it was sucked in, and reappeared right behind you, closer to you this time. You turned around again with a gasp, and found the monster examining your face with a smirk plastered on his lips.

For some reason, you couldn't talk.

"Are you perhaps scared?" he asked. Well, how could you not be scared in those circumstances? You suddenly woke up in a dimension you didn't know of, met a weird ass skeleton and you couldn't be scared?

However, you didn't want to show your fear.

"Do I have a reason to be scared?" you declared as firmly as you could, but as soon as you spoke, he chuckled, causing you to lightly lose your composure.

"If you are not scared, then why are your legs trembling?" he asked as he pointed at your legs with his finger, causing you to look down and acknowledge that yes, your legs were trembling, and quite uncontrollably.

You inadvertedly opened your mouth in shock, because you hadn't even realised what was happening to your body.

He chuckled again, and you looked again at his face.

"Relax angel, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. What, is your mind so convinced about Monsters ruthlessly killing Humans that you are scared of every monster you come across?"

"First of all, I shouldn't even be talking to you-"

"And yet, you are" he intentionally interrupted you teasingly.

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now