Chapter 19

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Goodbye goodbye

"...what are you doing here, Sans?" you asked, lightly shocked.

The skeleton boy was sitting on his chair in front of the machine, giving you his back, looming over some blueprints. Once he heard your voice, he flinched, and turned around with a stupefied expression written on his face. Well, aside from his exhausted one.

"...i could ask you the same. i thought you were with my dad by now: can't manage to sleep?" he said with a slightly hoarse voice as he rubbed his eyes: he couldn't even hide the fact that he was tired, could he?

As for you, you looked down with a frown and a conflicted face: yeah, you should have been with his father. There was no other place where you would have wanted to stay.

If only he didn't risk dying each time he met you.

You grabbed a chair you found at your side and put it in front of Sans, so that you could talk to him directly. Once you sat down you kept looking down: you were feeling once again the knot in your throat, which was making it more difficult to explain.

However, he seemed to understand it on his own.

"...what happened, y/n?" he asked: he seemed calm as he asked so, but you knew that he was concealing fear.

You didn't reply immediately: him asking you that was only increasing the pain you were now feeling in your chest. And your desire to cry as well.

"what happened to my dad...?"

At that point, you could no longer hold it: tears like rivers started falling down your cheeks, and you started sobbing uncontrollably as well. You didn't have to look up to know that he looked shocked after seeing you bursting out.

"don't tell me he has..."

"No, he hasn't died" you said with a sniff as you finally dared to look up and meet his gaze, while cleaning your nose with your hand "at least, not yet. But he's very close to disappearing, hence to us forgetting him. And what's even worse is that he doesn't want to stop this death sentence: he's ready to meet it, as long as he gets to...stay with me"

Surprisingly, Sans didn't reply: surely the shock must have been a lot for him.

"That's why I came here. I admit I wanted to come here to conduct researches on my own to bring him back, but I didn't to already be here"

He looked away with a sad chuckle.

"heh, i'm actually the type of guy that works without rest until he finds what he wants"

Somehow, that managed to put a smile on your face, and relieved your heavy heart.

"Like father like son, isn't it?"

"huh, he has told you about his routine back in the underground, hasn't he?"

You surprisingly smiled even more.

"Yeah, he did..." you faintly replied. Truth was, he told you everything about him.

Talking about Gaster like this warmed your heart so much that you felt so at peace. However, there was a time and a place for that, and certainly, those weren't the best circumstances: you needed to get to work, and immediately.

You sighed as you started feeling the anxiousness creeping back in your heart.

"Let's get to work, shall we?" you retorically asked as you stood up to reach his desk and to look at Sans' blueprints, trying to possibly understand something from them. Worst of all, Sans' handwriting was...peculiar to read - instead of words, there were like...symbols that resembled hands?

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