Chapter 3

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Two days from then.

"Monarch Butterfly, can you hear me?"

"Clear and loud" you answered, pressing the little button on your black earbud.

You were hiding behind a rock on a hill, observing the forest in front of you. Your eyes were met by a series of long dark green pines, and your ears could hear the sound of birds chirping around, as if no threat was there.

What they didn't know was that there indeed was a threat. Just not for them.

"According to the information, the target is standing at least five thousand metres away from you. Do you think you'll be able to reach them unobserved?"

The one talking to you was Cold Gecko. Given the fact that he needed your information to build the armoured rooms for monsters, you two had been paired together, and now he was listening to every word you said.

"Hah, who have you taken me for, Gecko? Of course I can. I'm no amateur" you whispered, and kept observing in front of you. You couldn't see any traces of life, but you were sure they were there. They had to be there.

You ended the communication not to make any sound or the minimum vibration in the air, and silently stood up. Not even the birds heard you, and not a single leaf was broken in the process.

You even reluctantly left Oreo at home: if he started meowing at some point, it would have compromised the whole operation. However, you were sure that you would have returned safe and sound to your home, and cuddled him until you both grew tired of it.

Back to the operation: you descended the hill, and silently walked probably fifty metres, tippy-toeing but swiftly. If you had the occasion to, you would firstly hide behind a tree and look at all your surroundings, whether they were up your nose or at your left or right.

You were sure that Monsters weren't to be underestimated: they surely knew how to conceal their traces, such as the smell of food or a camping fire, they knew that the smoke would have attracted troublesome visitors. For example, you.

You now were supposedly two hundred and fifty metres away from the target, and you could already see something: distant from you, you could see hints of a plain without trees. And it was quite a big area to be honest: at least 700 beings could fill the place.

Your lips curved upwards.

Found you.

Still, you were quite surprised: you thought that there would have been more and more Monsters, but a place that only 700 of them could fit? Did they separate in multiple groups?

You silently approached the plain, and just to be sure and safe, you grabbed your gun in your pocket, but you didn't extract it from there. Never let your enemy know your next move after all.

You kept walking to the point that you quite reached the plain, but you didn't stop hiding from the trees. You carefully peeked, but what you saw left you absolutely speechless, and caused your eyes to widen in surprise.

There was nothing.

It was an empty plain: no camps, no life. No Monsters.

(A/N: no bitches?)

You inadvertedly let your guard down.

What you didn't know was that you committed your worst mistake ever.

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