Chapter 8

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The hero in the villain's clothing

In the dream

The drops of rain were falling on the ground as if they were little cannonballs, hitting strongly your face. You were outside, and you had forgotten your umbrella. Oh well, it was too late now to go back at your house and grab one.

You were standing like a statue in front of a skyscraper in your city, staring at it as if you could telepathically move it away somewhere else or destroy it.

Your eyes were open, but there was no light in them.

Although you were wet from head to toe, you still entered the building: luckily for you, the heating pumps were active, so eventually you could have dried for a while. After all, you had to reach the 100th floor, hence it would have taken a while.

You started walking towards the elevator. You looked neutral on the outside, but as for the was a real mess.

"Go back" you told yourself.

"If you go back, you will never have to deal with this" you thought. But it was all useless, going back would have simply meant to postpone it. It would have happened anyway.

Your body automatically walked on its own, finally reached the elevator and pressed the button to call it. And in the end, you entered it with a frown on your face.

The doors closed, and the elevator started going upwards. But as for you, you fell on the floor and held your head, trying to contain a scream.

It was totally the end.

In the latest times, more and more people at your working place had received a call from the President of your company, in which they required some of your colleagues to go to their office. And after talking, they would always get fired.

And that same morning, you yourself had received a call, and you were invited to talk with the President.

But you knew that he only wanted to talk with you to fire you. And you didn't know what you could do to survive afterwards: finding a job was already pretty difficult, not to mention finding a new one after being fired...

A tear managed to escape from your eye. You were on the verge of losing your composure when a sound caught you back to reality, causing you to look up: the camera in the upper angle of the elevator was clearly malfunctioning, as there were some electric charges around it, meaning that it was broken.

"How curious...someone ought to repair it" you thought. Even though it was for some seconds, the broken camera still managed to distract you for a bit, and hence you stood up and cleaned your face.

And then, you reached the 100th floor.

However, when the doors opened, you found a rather disliked face in front of you...

"Oh, didn't see you there, small butterfly"

In front of you there was a colleague of yours, William, who you absolutely hated: he always used to pick on you and to insult your work, and he also used to call you "butterfly" as if that meant you were insignificant. Another colleague of yours, Belle, had joked about it and said that this could have been the beginning of an enemies to lovers romance. But there was no way the two of you could ever become something more. Not to mention, he absolutely wasn't your type: you were more interested in mysterious yet fascinating guys...guys that could keep up with you, meanwhile he was simply a jerk.

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