Chapter 6

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Only you

And as expected, you almost threw up when you reached the fractural space after teleporting with Sans. With disgusted eyes, you fell on your knees along with your suitcases, now holding your chest to keep your heartbeat under control.

"welp, looks like you'll have to get used to teleporting. don't worry, it won't take that long, you'll take it on thyme" Sans slightly teased with a pun, while he was being totally fine.

While standing up, you cursed him in every language you knew as your sense of discomfort grew, but luckily for you, Toriel appeared in that moment. At first, she looked at you somewhat curiously, as if, for a moment, she didn't expect you to return there with all four of your limbs. But after acknowledging that despite your nausea you were fine, she shoved a bigger smile on her mouth.

"You are here! Did everything go well at your house? Did you manage to rescue your cat?"


You quickly opened your coat to check on your resting kitty, and pleasantly discovered that he was simply sleeping, as if the teleportation didn't affect him at all.

Once Toriel saw the kitten peacefully sleeping, her eyes now sparkled up in awe, as a little gasp got out of her mouth.

"Oh, he is so adorable! What's his name?" she normally asked.

You hesitated for a second before answering, because it all felt so unreal. You were supposed to be the Monsters' enemy. Sans' enemy. Toriel's enemy. And right now she was talking to you as if there wasn't supposed to be a fight between your two kinds.

You somehow felt a chill running down your back, so you slowly glanced at Sans: he was highkey staring at you, as if he was ordering you to answer. Even though it felt more like a threat.

You returned to look at Toriel once again, and hesitantly opened your mouth to answer.

"...Oreo" you answered. Once she realised the ambiguity between his name and his fur, she snorted and lightly giggled.

She was about to say something else, when suddenly someone called her name, saying that they needed her help.

"Whoops, seems like I'm in a hurry. Have a nice stay here, my dear!" she said as she went for her own way.

And to be honest, the way she said goodbye didn't seem appropriate in this situation. Weren't you a hostage after all?

As if to call you back to reality, you felt someone tapping on your shoulder. You looked, and saw the short skeleton's hand on your shoulder.

"let's go. i'll show you your room so that you can rest for a while. then...we'll put in act the deal"

Oh, that's right. You just made a deal with him: finding his father, and in exchange you would have had your freedom.


Did that mean you were supposed to meet his father everytime you slept, in your dreams?! How did that work?! You kinda expected that you would have had to meet him again in your sleep, but you didn't imagine that it would have had to happen so soon.

You eventually had to follow him, despite him being slow (he was being lazy, wasn't he?), and you took the opportunity to observe around: this...separate dimension, as he called looked like a city, but, as you noticed later, there seemed to be some glitches in the buildings, meaning that they were only the product of their magic and not real, physical buildings.

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