Chapter 13

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Flowers in Hell

"huh? you mean that, each time he meets you, he will start to progressivily glitch?"

You nodded as you spoke with Sans, who looked like he was repairing some mechanism in the machine.

That same morning, he had come at your house and picked you up, to receive the latest news and to show you the machine built to save Gaster. You then followed him, leaving Oreo to Papyrus' babysitting services.

The machine was hidden in a small lab just behind Sans' and Papyrus' house, which, according to the older brother, was built to copy everything about the old house they had in the Underground.

And once you arrived, you told Sans everything that Gaster had informed you of. Well, except the...more emotional part of what happened the night before.

It is already rude to speak about someone who is already listening, and not to mention breaking their privacy.

"At the moment he only has a glitch in the hole of his hand, but if he keeps disrupting the laws of the world...the glitch might extend to his whole body"

He nodded as well, lightly more serious after hearing your last statement, as he didn't even move his eyes from what he was repairing.

"alright...let's hope he can control the speed of this process. he must stay calm as well about it, usually a process becomes faster if lots of emotions are felt..." he stated, half-lost in his own world.

And in fact, his voice was suddenly replied by a moment of silence.

"...say, what does this machine do? Like, how does it work? How is it supposed to save Gaster?" you asked.

At this very moment he finally moved his eyes from the machine and looked at you, chuckling, probably amused by your interest.

"this little jewel here is supposed to connect with my dad's soul, or at least, what remains of it. the void is a dark place, even for a strong man like my father: even if he still is the same man i know, his soul must be distorted by now, due to his permanence there"

Yeah...I think I know something about it, you thought sadly while crossing your arms, and you remembered how desperate Gaster sounded when he said about how he felt.

"...heeey, earth calls y/n"

You blinked your eyes twice and looked at Sans, who had just snapped his fingers in front of your eyes.

"hey, are you awake? or did my father tire you out last night?"

You lightly chuckled and shook your head, saying that you were just daydreaming.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat what you just said?"

"i said that, after connecting with the remnants of my father's soul, the machine will quite literally pull them away from the void, and along with it my father himself. and as i repeatedly said before, it will be easier now since we're in this space. that is...there is something weird about this machine. i if i'm not using it correctly"

You hummed, now understanding what he had said. But even so, your mind wandered once around.

You leaned against the wall and started thinking. Thinking about Gaster.

I wonder what is he thinking right he actually observing us now? It would be funny if he gave us a signal of his presence...

"y/n, are you alright?"

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now