Chapter 10

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"You...what?" he blurted out with a clearly incredule voice. What was he feeling? Shock? Embarassment?

So you get embarassed too, don't you?

You smiled and hugged your knees more while looking at him.

"I'm getting tired of talking only about me, and I presume you will get bored eventually: if you know my name then I guess you must have also seen through my entire life and by now memorised every detail of it, haven't you? Tell me more about yourself then"

After a moment of shock, he quickly regained his composure by silently clearing his throat, and looked at you yet again with that calm gaze of his.

"What do you wish to know?"

There he is, the formal man I'm starting to know.

"Since we're on topic, how do you define yourself? How do you want other people to perceive yourself?"

You expected that he would have answered immediately, but he actually took his time to answer. How much time had passed since you asked the question? Was time different in the void compared to the real world?

Before answering to your question, he lightly smiled. It odd smile though. As if he was concealing something. Something complicated.

"I define myself simply as someone who exists" he simply replied, not adding a single thing afterwards. You expected a long scientific monologue about how he would have defined himself, so the fact that he only answered you with seven words puzzled you.

...could that have an inner meaning?

It didn't look like he wanted you to decipher it for the moment being, so you decided to focus on other things he could have said.

And yet, he looked like he was waiting for you to ask questions.

Gosh...I have to admit I expected him to be a little more talkative, given how much he teased me in the first days. What should I ask him? His favourite colour? ...meh, I presume it's black-

"You're correct" he suddenly blurted out, causing you to look at him.

"Hm? Correct about what?"

"About my favourite colour. It's black. Along with purple, by the way"

Your eyes subconsciously widened, and at the same time, a light of realisation appeared and shined in them.

"...I knew it! You're actually able to read my mind!" you said, kinda creeped out but at the same time entertained while pointing a finger at him, as if you were blaming him as guilty of something. And as for him, he grinned.

"There are many things I'm now capable of, things the void has given me, empowering me. And yes, reading minds is one of them"

"Don't all these powers tire you out? Like, are you forced to read my mind or can you choose to read it in specific moments?"

This time, he smirked, even though you could easily assume it wasn't a totally happy smirk.

"I can choose to read people's minds, which is something I have discovered only recently"

...what did he mean by tha- oh.

You sadly chuckled in your mind. Of course. Of course he could have discovered it only recently.

You were the only one in the void with him after all.

"Then I have a favour to ask you"

"Hah, ask me anything you want, my dear"

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now