Chapter 5

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"let's make a deal, me and you, monarch butterfly. i'll give you your freedom, if in exchange... help me find my father"


For just a fraction of a second, the hand holding your gun slightly flinched, but you quickly regained your composure back.

He wanted your help? To find his father?

"Explain yourself better: why should I help you?" you said as you steadied your aim.

"hey, first of all, could you please put your gun down? i don't want to talk with a gun pointed at my chest"

And ironically, you only steadied your aim: your hands didn't do a single movement to let the gun go.

"Hah, is this one of your dirty tricks? What do you intend to do? Stab me once I let my guard down?" you nastily asked.

"nah, i won't, cause the information i have about my father now involves even you, and you need to hear"

You raised a brow as if what he said was the biggest bullshit you ever heard.

"Not to offend, but I don't even know who your father is. How could I possibly be of help, even if I wanted to help?"

This time, it was Sans' turn to raise a brow.

"you seriously haven't realised yet? wow, you're such a turtle mentally"

"Hey, who do you think you ar-"

"who do you think that skeleton you met in your sleep was? who do you think the man who speaks in hands is?"

Your eyes inadvertedly widened. Of course. Of course they had to be related. The fact that they were both skeletons, his father saying to tell Sans all fitted. They could only be father and son, there was no other possible explanation.

You slowly let your gun down, rubbed your eyes and exhaled, suddenly feeling lighter due to the tension dispersing, even though another thousand questions were flooding your mind.

In that moment, Oreo's head popped out of your pocket, meowing and asking for milk, capturing both yours and Sans' attention.

"Oh, right, I haven't fed you yet, have I...?" you mumbled somewhat subconsciously. Poor Oreo, perhaps you acted a little bit recklessly when you suddenly decided to attack Sans. At least you reminded yourself not to get him hurt in the process.

Five minutes before, when you were preparing and gathering your things, you were so focused on a plan to put Sans KO that you forgot to feed your cat.

You stood up and nonchalantly walked to the open space kitchen, under Sans' silent gaze. He was probably studying you, but you kinda expected it. He had to be more careful know, and the mere thought was enough to make you grit your teeth.

You opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of milk to heat up, when a thought suddenly flashed through your mind.

" you want something to drink?" you asked.

He raised a brow, betraying a hint of surprise on his face. Wait, did he perhaps misunderstand-

"Relax, I'm not gonna poison you, if that's what you were thinking. Owning a cat and poisons at the same time would be quite dangerous for the first one, wouldn't it? Not to mention, I never owned a poison in my life: it's not my style of combat, as you have seen. It's too passive for me" you said as you filled a cup of milk for your little cat and heated it up in the microwave. As you waited for it to be ready, you leaned on the counter with both your hands pressed against it, looking directly at Sans.

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