Chapter 24

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Two weeks have passed ever since Gaster was saved from the void. Or actually, ever since you and Sans have saved him...

In those two weeks, you have seen the skelebros rarely, as they were obviously busy with their father: they had lost so much time together, and they needed to make up for all those years they were without one another.

However, from time to time, you had seen them, mostly when you were walking outside. You would see the three of them sometimes when you were taking a walk with Undyne, or Alphys, or both of them.

The three of them seemed happy together.

Whenever they greeted you, you would always try to smile at the skelebros, but whenever it was about greeting Gaster, you would always stay silent and avoid his gaze while Alphys and Undyne talked to the skelebros.

And even so, you could still feel the weight of his gaze on you.

This whole felt so weird. It felt weird that this man one moment loves you, and the other moment doesn't even remember who you are.

Well, when he was brought back to the real world, it must have been traumatic for him: just like when you experience a tragic event in your life and your brain then forgets it to avoid storing unpleasant memories and to save your mental health.

In his case though, he forgot not only the unpleasant memories but even the sweet ones: the ones he shouldn't have forgotten...

In any case, whenever you felt bad about this whole thing, you would always think about Toriel's words to cheer yourself up. And luckily, it would always work.

Today, you were chilling at your house, taking a day all for yourself: you totally needed it and especially deserved it, and no one could debate on this.

You sat down on the couch with your phone in hand, as you were comfortably texting to Undyne and Alphys about, well, frogs: Alphys had found cute drawings of frogs and she wanted to share them with the two of you, to the point that she even created a specific group chat for that.

Nevertheless, it was pretty cute of her.

As for Undyne, she often teased her girlfriend whenever she found the occasion, to the point that Alphys would stop texting for some seconds and then start typing again: she had probably blushed madly.

Y/N: Get a room you 2, you texted with an entertained expression.

Spear Fish: Who tells you we don't have it already? ;)

Alphys once again took some seconds to answer.

Alphyyyyys: UNDYNE.


You kept speaking to the two girls for a while until your stomach growled, sign that you needed to eat something. You said goodbye to your two friends and stood up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen. There, you found Oreo looking at you near his bowl, as if he was already waiting for you to fill the bowl.

"Hehe, you're hungry as well, aren't you? Hold on, lemme get your food real quick"

With that said, you stretched your arm towards a shelter and grabbed Oreo's food and put it in his bowl. He was still a kitten, but he was definitely bigger now.

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