Chapter 16

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The incident

Gaster was trying hardly not to smile.

"You look...definitely exhausted" he stated, trying to be the kindest as possible, not to spit out anything that would have provoked you.

"Wow, you don't say..." you weakly replied while sitting down, as you rubbed your eyes and rested your hand on your chin out of exhaustion.

Some hours before

Undyne had decided to invite you at her and Alphys' house for a pajama party.

Since it had been many years since you had one - hence you didn't have almost any memories of them now - you gladly accepted, also because you craved some fun. Only when you were awake though - everytime you fell asleep, you always had fun.

When you reached the house and knocked on the door, a totally different version of Alphys opened the door for you: instead of her white lab coat, she was wearing a pink t-shirt portraying an anime girl with cat ears and white pants. Not to mention, she was proudly holding a bowl of popcorn that were still fuming.

"Y/N, there you are! You've come just in time, we just took the popcorn out of the microwave" she declared enthusiastically: it was obviously noticeable that she wasn't stuttering. Probably because she was in her environment and all, but she definitely looked more at ease now.

Once Undyne heard all the commotion, she appeared from what you supposed was the kitchen and grinned when she saw you.

"Heyyy!" she exclaimed as she approached you and wrapped you in a friendly embrace, to which you responded with almost the same enthusiasm as hers.

"Hey, what about Oreo?" Alphys curiously asked.

"I've had to rely on Papyrus for this one...luckily, he knows that Oreo can't eat spaghetti. Otherwise I'm afraid I might have to chase him down the road if I came back home only to find a sick bundle of orange fur"

Undyne bursted out and laughed vigorously, only to give you a strong pat on the back, which caused you to almost lose your balance for a second.

"Then he's in good hands! Come on, go and change into your pajama!" the fish girl almost ordered.

"...already? It's only 5:00 pm" you stated.

"So what? We need to fully merge into the atmosphere to have some fun, right? Alphys, go bring the pillows, I'll go and take the mattresses!"

Before you could even reply to ask what was going on, the two girls dashed towards a different room - probably their bedroom - and returned each with something different in their hands: Alphys had brought many pillows of different sizes and shapes. Could you be surprised that she had a cat-shaped pillow...?

As for Undyne, she had brought with her two mattresses, both large but one larger than the other. The one you presumed was their bed. You gulped actually, thinking that she was able to take not one, but two mattresses at the same time, something that you would have probably never managed to do. If she had muscles, then at least you could say you had more agility than her.

"Hey, let me at least help with someth-" you tried to say, but as you moved a leg towards them Undyne had summoned a spear and threw it at your right. You knew that she purposely threw it not to attack you but to simply make you stay there, but you still managed to destroy the spear in two pieces as she threw it with the same pocket knife you always hid in your trousers.

"Stay right where you are, miss Y/N! You're the guest, don't you dare make a move"

"Cute way to treat a guest" you said joking as you put back your pocket knife to its rightful place: you were also prepared for what just happened, as Frisk told you that Undyne would never allow a guest to help the host. Never.

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now